Vikipedi:Danışma masası/Arşiv/Ekim 2019
Madde isteği
[kaynağı değiştir]Soru Sorry I've been out of the loop a bit. I have an idea for an article about an Ottoman woman, en:Madame Bey. I wonder if there's a place where I can post an article request.
Thanks WhisperToMe (mesaj) 17.07, 12 Ekim 2019 (UTC)
Cevap @WhisperToMe, for the article requests, you can use the Vikipedi:Madde istekleri page. As far as I know, subpages have interwiki links so you can easily know which subpage is better for your request.--NanahuatlEfendim? 07.31, 15 Ekim 2019 (UTC)