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(Kullanıcı mesaj:Muddyb Blast Producer sayfasından yönlendirildi)
sw Mtumiaji huyu ni mwongeaji wa Svahili Fasaha.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
tr-0 Bu kullanıcı hiç Türkçe bilmiyor.
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[kaynağı değiştir]
Hoş geldiniz Muddyb!

Merhaba, tamamen gönüllü katılımcıların çabalarıyla 285 dilde oluşturulmaya çalışılan ansiklopedinin Türkçe bölümü Vikipedi'ye hoş geldiniz!

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Kolay gelsin. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 07:12, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)

  • I'm so happy for having a Tanzanian friend. I can help what you want to But Tanzania is already places in our wikipedia; called Tanzanya. I'll try to expand it. See you. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 07:44, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)
  • You're welcome. I can help you when you need me. Can you teach me some useful words in Kiswahili? It would be so nice. If I learn a little bit your language, I can make little contributions to your wikipedia. Yours. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 08:10, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)
  • Maybe these words;

How are you
Good morning
Thank you
You're welcome
See you soon
Good night
Good luck
I love you etc. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 09:02, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)

  • I'm going to put these words to your language article. Let's look up to Turkish words;

Merhaba......Salam, habari.
Hoşçakal....Kwa kheri, kila lakheri. - (pronounced: hosh-cha-kal)
Nasılsın, nasılsınız (formal)....Hujambo, habari gani.
Günaydın....Habari za asubuhi.
Teşekkürler, teşekkür ederim....Shukrani, ahsante sana.
Önemli değil... Karibu sana, una karibishwa.
Hoşgeldin, hoşgeldiniz (formal)....Karibu.
Görüşürüz...Tuonane baada ya muda.
İyi geceler....Usiku mwema.
Bol şans....Kila la kheri, kheri yako, bahati njema.
Seni seviyorum...Nakupenda.
--♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 09:27, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)

  • Certainly you can give me your friends email adress. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 10:00, 27 Eylül 2008 (UTC)

  • OK. I'm willing to do it. I've written the cities in Sweden and France. And I will do it. Is this enough? or too short? (Also can you write the cities in Tanzania; I only know Dar es Salam) Yours --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 13:37, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Good luck; Look I've made a template for the cities; I hope you like it. And also I saw Kemal Atatürk in your wikipedia. Congratulations, its very proud to see him in your wikipedia. Thank you. I want to say something to you; in english wikipedia, there are lots of cities. Some of them are not a city. I suggest you write only these cities. This is Turkish; but you can look their articles in english wikipedia. We have 81 cities; don't write more of it. Yours. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 14:50, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Is it good enough?
Miji ya Uturuki


Yours. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 16:24, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)

About Template

[kaynağı değiştir]
  • No, thank you very much. I hope it will improve Turkey-Tanzania affairs. See you soon. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 17:06, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)

  • Wow! Do you know Sezen Aksu? Really good I uploaded a picture of her, but it has removed. And I haven't tried so far. If I can find I will respond you. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 17:43, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • I really thank you. You are a very good person. And best African friend I've ever met. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 17:52, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Thanks, I'm a muslim but a toast with a friend doesn't matter for me. Let's toast. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 18:00, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Record producer??? I can't believe!! I'm making amateur musics too. How does being a record producer feel? It must be so good. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 18:06, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Oh sorry, I'm Berkay; like in my nickname. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 18:16, 3 Ekim 2008 (UTC)

Tanzanian cities

[kaynağı değiştir]
  • Wow, they are very good. Thank you so much. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 13:16, 4 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Really thank you, Ağrı is not that big city. But you've made a very good job. But, I have to ask one question to you; can you find the true Tanzanian cities for me? You gave me a list, but some of them are not cities; they are towns. As a result; I can not find any information about towns. Yours. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 14:44, 4 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • But aren't they too short? --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 14:45, 4 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Very good. Thanks. But I think our ones are a bit short. Because I can't find much information about them.Üzgün --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 09:18, 11 Ekim 2008 (UTC)

  • Yes I am willing to do this. But can you add turkish wikipedia in your wikipedia too? Thank a lot. Cheers. --♪♫Atakan0652|mesaj 14:50, 13 Ekim 2008 (UTC)
  • Hello; "Şehir hakkında" means "About the City". I looked the cities of Turkey at your Kiswahili wikipedia; they are all wonderful. When I get any opportunity, I make new articles about Tanzanian cities. But for now I can't even open my computer. Stay in touch. Good-bye. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 17:18, 2 Aralık 2008 (UTC)
  • Hi, I'm so sorry. I saw your message so late. İfade şablonları means Smiley templates. Stay in touch. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 19:57, 6 Aralık 2008 (UTC)
  • Yes, that was me. You can trust. The corrections has made by me. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 14:44, 16 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • Do you mean that someone has created articles by vandalism? No, its not me if you mean that. I meant that I had made the template. And tried to change two cities' name. Bingöl and İstanbul. That was all. I did nothing anything else. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 15:05, 16 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • Can I do anything like that? To any wikipedia, to any people? I think I seem to be a vandal for you. Üzgün--♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 15:10, 16 Haziran 2009 (UTC)

About cities

[kaynağı değiştir]
  • I think he meant this;
in Turkey some big cities doesn't have any namesake city center. Like İstanbul, Adana, İzmir, Ankara, Bursa... But most of them have. Like Bartın, Bayburt, Iğdır. You can see here that Adana hasn't got any municipality called Adana. But has a few center municipality. But on the other hand, you can see here that Bayburt has a namesake municipality. That is the city centre, and most of the provinces have a system like in Bayburt. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 15:26, 16 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • It seems weird. But I think its true if "Jimbo" means "province". You can change the templates with "Jimbo la Uturuki" template in those articles. Oh! I remembered that I have forgotten the Tanzanian project. Don't get sad, I'll handle them in a short time. See you soon. Cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 16:05, 16 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • The first one is the province. Second is the city. I think in Swahili Wikipedia, its about the city. So no need to change I think. But what Berkaysnklf has done is a bit weird. I know he must have told true; but it doesn't matter if provinces and cities exists in the same article. Because I think nobody would want to learn differences between provinces and cities. I think what he had done was unnecessary. Üzgün --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 07:51, 17 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • OK. Can I do anything for you? (I will create all Tanzanian cities, and will try to expand them all. Maybe I'll translate Swahili language and Tanzania from English Wikipedia) Stay in touch. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 08:57, 17 Haziran 2009 (UTC)
  • Şarkıda Swahili dilindeki korolar, şarkıyı olumlu etkilediği gibi, sonrasında Rihanna gibi şarkıcılar tarafından kullanılmıştır. Şarkının yapımcılığını Quincy Jones üstlenmiştir. Şarkı, 2008 çıkışlı Thriller 25 adlı albüm için Akon tarafından yeniden düzenlenmiştir.

  • The song includes a chorus in Swahili language which affected the song positively. This part would have used by many singers such as Rihanna in the next years. Its producer is Quincy Jones and it has a remix version in the album of "Thriller 25" that has been made by Akon.

--♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 18:06, 17 Temmuz 2009 (UTC)

  • It's so good to see your message. I understand what you want to say. And be sure that I'll re-write "Tanzanya" article from English completely. As you can see here; -İsveç (Sweden)- we are trying to complete this country, and I had been trying to complete the cities of Sweden. The cities have finished, but the article of country is still there and waiting to be translated. But it is still in my mind to make Tanzanian articles wonderful. But I ask for a little more time. If I won't die or have something bad, I will finish Tanzanya until December, -I promise-. See you soon. Cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 15:03, 19 Ağustos 2009 (UTC)
  • Please stop pressuring me. I promised you see. I have so much work I said. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 17:09, 21 Ağustos 2009 (UTC)
  • Oh, I think I was the rude one. Don't feel sorry. Because you are my only Tanzanian friend. Don't feel worried. I will do what I promised. See you soon. Cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 20:31, 23 Ağustos 2009 (UTC)
  • Thank you, you are awesome. Look, I have just finished this article, its Tanzania's turn. I will make this article like the first one. And also I am planning to finish Swahili language, Dar es Salaam and Dodoma. I will make Tanzanian articles like I have done in Swedish articles. Thanks again. I have promised you know, I will begin it immediately. See you soon my friend. Cheers. (I want to ask question: in Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" there are some Swahili lyrics. What are they say and what does that mean? )

Wewe ni muhimu kwa ajili yangu. Kwa sababu wewe ni rafiki yangu. Kwaheri.

--♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 22:23, 14 Eylül 2009 (UTC)

  • That was a cheat. Your language is so good I think. A nice African language. Don't think that it is not that impressive. But I have just asked you what does "Mama-se, mama-sa, ma-ma-coo-sa" mean. Also can you please add those (Cappadocia (Turkish: Kapadokya), Anıtkabir and Sümela Monastery) pictures to the "Gallery part" of Uturuki article in your Wikipedia? Finally, if we talk about Districts, there are 957 districts in Turkey. Are you sure? --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 12:37, 15 Eylül 2009 (UTC)
  • Oh, it is really so hard for me to make a template of districts.Üzgün But there are already district templates in Swahili Wikipedia isn't it? Also, in my previous message, they were the pictures to put them here, to the part of "Picha za Uturuki" Cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 14:37, 15 Eylül 2009 (UTC)
  • There are lots of districts. Maybe you can expand central districts Here is a list. And you can see which one is the central district, or which one is not. Also, if you see a district that is not central but have a huge amount of population; you can expand them, too. It's your choice. Thanks, cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 11:57, 16 Eylül 2009 (UTC)
  • Nice to see you. I'll have a look. Cheers. --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 10:22, 25 Ağustos 2010 (UTC)

It's been a long time!

[kaynağı değiştir]

Salaam Muddyb. It's me your friend from Swahili Wikipedia. Have you ever noticed that there was a story regarding the Turkish cities articles which I've created on the Swahili Wikipedia? Well, it was brainstorming story ever told on the Internet World! (look here). I just wanted to let you know that, some people were amazed with such effort. How is life anyway, dude? in my side, I'm doing so damn great! Stay blessed. Cheers--Mwanaharakati (Ongea) 12:45, 23 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Hey! Long time no talk. Well, you are definitely a hardworking person. Unfortunately I've been so busy with my life so I neglected Wikipedia a lot. I'm looking forward to work together in future projects. It's nice to hear from you. Stay in touch! :) --♪♫Berkay0652|ileti 16:41, 26 Aralık 2014 (UTC)
Man ! I've read the article on Guardian. You rock! As a Turkish Wikipedist, I would like thank you for your effort in the name of my country. Keep up your great work :) ~--BerkayMesaj 22:39, 2 Nisan 2015 (UTC)