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Aşağıdaki liste; İngilizce veya Japonca yayınlanan tüm orijinal Pokémon jenerik müziği CD'leri listesidir.

Release date Name Details
Haziran 29, 1999 Pokémon 2.B.A. Master Soundtrack for Pokémon: Indigo League
Ekim 26, 1999 Don't Say You Love Me Single of [Don't Say You Love Me]
Ekim 26, 1999 Pokémon Theme Unofficial single of Pokémon Theme
Kasım 9, 1999 soundtrack Soundtrack for Mewtwo Strikes Back and Pikachu's Vacation
2000 Pokémon Gotta Catch the Sound Soundtrack for Pokémon Snap and (İngilizce)
Şubat 8, 2000 Pokémon World Pokémon World
Mayıs 9, 2000 score Score for Mewtwo Strikes Back and Pikachu's Vacation
Temmuz 18, 2000 soundtrack Soundtrack for The Power of One and Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
Ekim 31, 2000 The Power of One The Power of One
2001 score Score for The Power of One and Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
Ocak 23, 2001 Totally Pokémon Soundtrack for Pokémon: The Johto Journeys
Şubat 27, 2001 Pokémon Gotta Catch 'em Live! Soundtrack for Pokémon Live!
Nisan 3, 2001 Pokémon 3: The Ultimate Soundtrack Soundtrack for Spell of the Unown
Ekim 23, 2001 Pokémon Christmas Bash Collection of Christmas-themed songs by the Pokémon anime cast
Ekim 18, 2005 Music from 4Kids TV Songs from shows produced by 4Kids Entertainment
Mart 27, 2007 Pokémon X Album released for the tenth anniversary of Pokémon
Nisan 3, 2007 Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Bonus music CD that was given with the 9th movie DVD
Release date Name Details
Haziran 28, 1997 Aim to Be a Pokémon Master Soundtrack for Pokémon: Indigo League
Kasım 1, 1997 Game Boy Pokémon Sound Collection CD Soundtrack for Pokémon Red and Green Versions
Kasım 21, 1997 Can You Draw All the Pokémon? A Suzukisan album
Aralık 10, 1997 Singing Pokémon Encyclopedia A single containing songs about the Şablon:OBP- and Şablon:Type2 Pokémon.
Aralık 10, 1997 Team Rocket Forever A soundtrack featuring songs about Team Rocket.
Şubat 10, 1998 Let's Trade Please A Suzukisan album
Haziran 10, 1998 Pocket Monsters Sound Anime Collection Soundtrack for Pokémon: Indigo League
Temmuz 18, 1998 Pika Pika Massaichu Soundtrack for Pikachu's Vacation
Eylül 3, 1998 Together With the Wind Single of Together With the Wind
Ocak 1, 1999 Pokémon Song Best Collection Compilation album of previously released songs
Mart 25, 1999 The Rivals Soundtrack for Pokémon: The Adventures in the Orange Islands
Temmuz 7, 1999 toi et moi Single of toi et moi
Temmuz 17, 1999 Soaring Pokémon Kids Soundtrack for Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
Ağustos 21, 1999 Riding on Lapras Single of Riding on Lapras
Eylül 15, 1999 Mirage Pokémon: Lugia's Explosive Birth Music Collection Soundtrack for The Power of One
Ekim 27, 1999 Meowth's Party Single of Meowth's Party
Şubat 2, 2000 OK! Single of OK!
Haziran 7, 2000 Exciting Pokémon Relay Single of Exciting Pokémon Relay
Haziran 28, 2000 Can You Name All the Pokémon Neo? A Suzukisan single
Temmuz 8, 2000 Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei Music Collection Soundtrack for Spell of the Unown and Pikachu And Pichu
Eylül 13, 2000 The Day a Rainbow Was Born Single of The Day a Rainbow Was Born
Aralık 22, 2000 Pikachu's Winter Vacation Soundtrack Soundtrack for Pikachu's Winter Vacations
Şubat 7, 2001 To My Best Friend Single of To My Best Friend
Mart 28, 2001 Pokémon Song Best Collection 2
Temmuz 18, 2001 Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow Single of Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow
Temmuz 18, 2001 Hide and Seek Single of Hide and Seek
Temmuz 20, 2001 Face Forward Team Rocket! Single of Face Forward Team Rocket!
Ağustos 1, 2001 Celebi: Encounter Beyond Time Original Soundtrack Soundtrack for Celebi: Voice of the Forest and Pikachu's PikaBoo
Mart 29, 2002 Ready Go! Soundtrack for Pokémon: Master Quest and The Legend of Thunder!
Temmuz 10, 2002 Aim for that Hill Single of Aim for that Hill
Temmuz 10, 2002 You're Not Alone Single of You're Not Alone
Ağustos 1, 2002 Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios Music Collection Soundtrack for Pokémon Heroes and Camp Pikachu
Ocak 29, 2003 Advance Adventure Soundtrack for Pokémon: Advanced
Nisan 23, 2003 Pokémon TV Anime Theme Song Collection Collection of anime songs from 1997 to 2003
Nisan 26, 2003 Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Music Super Complete Soundtrack for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions
Temmuz 9, 2003 A Small Thing Single of A Small Thing
Temmuz 19, 2003 Polka O Dolka Single of Polka O Dolka
Temmuz 25, 2003 Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi Music Collection Soundtrack for Jirachi: Wish Maker and Gotta Dance!
Kasım 28, 2003 Pokémon Movie Anime Theme Song Collection Collection of anime songs from 1998 to 2003
Nisan 28, 2004 Challenger!! Soundtrack for Pokémon: Advanced Challenge
Mayıs 26, 2004 Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete Soundtrack for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions
Haziran 9, 2004 Marching March Single of Marching March
Temmuz 14, 2004 L·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dream-Seeing LOVELY BOY~ Single of L·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dream-Seeing LOVELY BOY~
Ağustos 3, 2004 Sky-Splitting Visitor: Deoxys Music Collection Soundtrack of Destiny Deoxys
Şubat 2, 2005 Pokémon Symphonic Medley / GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~ Soundtrack for Pokémon: Advanced Battle
Mart 23, 2005 Full of Energy!! Pokémon Song Collection Anime and games song collection
Nisan 29, 2005 Hello! Thank You! Single of Hello! Thank You!
Temmuz 13, 2005 Song of Origin / Nice Buddy
Temmuz 16, 2005 Battle Frontier Soundtrack for Pokémon: Battle Frontier
Ağustos 3, 2005 Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero: Lucario Music Collection Soundtrack for Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
Nisan 26, 2006 Pokémon TV Anime Theme Song Collection 2 Collection of anime songs from 2003 to 2006
Haziran 28, 2006 Spurt! / I Won't Lose! ~Haruka's Theme~ Soundtrack for Pokémon: Battle Frontier
Temmuz 26, 2006 Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy Music Collection Soundtrack for Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Ekim 28, 2006 10th Anniversary Pokémon Happy Birthday Concert Album released for the tenth anniversary of Pokémon
Kasım 29, 2006 Together / By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ Soundtrack for Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
Aralık 22, 2006 Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection Soundtrack for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Versions
Temmuz 11, 2007 I Will Be With You Single of I Will Be With You
Temmuz 18, 2007 Together 2007 Soundtrack for Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl and The Rise of Darkrai
Temmuz 25, 2007 Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Music Collection Soundtrack for The Rise of Darkrai
Mayıs 28, 2008 Message of the Wind Soundtrack for Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Battle Dimension
Temmuz 16, 2008 ONE Single of ONE
Temmuz 30, 2008 Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin Music Collection Soundtrack for Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Kasım 26, 2008 High Touch! / Surely Tomorrow Soundtrack for Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles
Mart 4, 2009 Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008 Collection of Pikachu shorts songs from 1998 to 2008
Temmuz 15, 2009 High Touch! 2009 Soundtrack for Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles
Temmuz 15, 2009 Antenna of the Heart Single of Antenna of the Heart
Ağustos 5, 2009 Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime Music Collection Soundtrack for Arceus and the Jewel of Life
Ekim 28, 2009 Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver Music Super Complete Soundtrack for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions
Aralık 16, 2009 Which One ~ Is It? Soundtrack for Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Galactic Battles
Şubat 24, 2010 The Greatest - Everyday!
Haziran 30, 2010 Ice Cream Syndrome Single of Ice Cream Syndrome
Ağustos 4, 2010 Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark Music Collection Soundtrack for Zoroark: Master of Illusions
Eylül 8, 2010 Pocket Monsters Original Soundtrack Best Best Wishes
Ekim 20, 2010 Pokémon Black & White Super Music Collection Black and White|s
Temmuz 13, 2011 The Sky / The Voice (single) Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom/Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram