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Oral-Facial-Digital sendrom V

Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

Oral-Facial-Digital sendrom V (orofaciodigital sendrom 5, OFD V, Thurston sendromu), 11 fenotipi olan orofaciodigital sendromlar kümesinin elemanıdır. Hindistan’da görece sık görülen, otosomal resesif yolla aktarılan kalıtsal bir sendromdur.[1][2] Hipertelorizm, üst dudak vermilion yarığı, dilde lobülasyon, polidaktili ve zeka geriliği başlıca bulgulardır.[3][4]

  1. ^ Naikmasur VG, Rai A, Revanappa MM, Mutalik S. Thurston syndrome: oral and systemic manifestations. Case report and review of the literature. Quintessence International, 41(4):e75-79, 2010
  2. ^ Bruel A-L, Franco B, Duffourd Y, et al. Fifteen years of research on oral-facial-digital syndromes: from 1 to 16 causal genes. Journal of Medical Genetics, 54: 371-380, 2017
  3. ^ Gorlin RJ, Cohen MM Jr, Hennekam RC. Syndromes of the Head and Neck. 4th ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 2001
  4. ^ Shamseldin HE, Rajab A, Alhashem A, et al. Mutations in DDX59 implicate RNA helicase in the pathogenesis of orofaciodigital syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics, 555-560, 2013