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Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

Selam Txrazy. Kategori:Çatışmada ölenler Türkler -> Kategori:Çatışmada ölen Türkler değil mi ? Takabeg ileti 04:34, 31 Mart 2013 (UTC)

Yanlışlık yapmışşım. :) Düzelttim... --xrazymesaj 11:13, 31 Mart 2013 (UTC)

Garbino'nun hizmetlilik başvurusu

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]

Merhaba Txrazy,

Garbino'nun başvurusunda adaylık kabul edilmeden, yani resmî başlangıçtan önce oy vermişsin. Teknik olarak geçersiz kılıyor bu da oyu. Rica etsem yeni bir imza atabilir misin oraya? Oyu da yeniden destek bölümüne taşımanı rica edeceğim tabii.


Vito Genovese 08:30, 31 Mart 2013 (UTC)

Allah aşkına!

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]

Bu maddedeki "Western Middle School" maddesi ne işine yarayacak milletin KD'liği bile tartışmalı bu maddede neden olması gerektiği düşünülüyor ya da bu maddeye özgü bir durum mu var? İngilizcesinde sırf var diye neden ısrar ediliyor KD diye. Bi burası ingli<zcce viki değil denip bi aynısını yapmak komik geliyor bana. Seçkin Madde olup'da iç bağlantı verilmeyen binlerce KD madde var halihazırda. İstersen bir tanesini aynı böyle açıp gösterebilirim. Bu madde sayesinde geniş çaplı bir revizyona mı gidiyoruz nedir anlamadım. --xrazymesaj 23:17, 4 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Uygulama bellidir, ben de Merube de bunu anlattık. Binlerce madde var dediniz, bu iddianızı ispatlamanızı istiyorum.--RapsarEfendim? 07:54, 5 Nisan 2013 (UTC)
Buyrun. Hiç abartıya kaçmadan iç bağlantı verilebilecek maddeleri işaretledim. Yarısına bile gelmeden yoruldum ve 35 civarı madde oldu ve bi o kadar da ödüller bölümünde var.--xrazymesaj 13:54, 5 Nisan 2013 (UTC)
Maddeyi hazırlayanların, -varsa- kontrol edenlerin hatası. SMA sayfasına bakarsanız Maddede 0 kırmızı bağlantı diye bir yorum dahi görebilirsin :) Yaptığın değişiklik olumlu bir değişiklik.--RapsarEfendim? 16:22, 5 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licenses

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Free knowledge based on Creative Commons licenses is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Hello, please translate this very important brochure to explain the free content nature of Wikimedia projects. You can take your time to translate it, but your translation can have a long-term impact.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:22, 10 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please help non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [1]. You can manage your subscription at [2].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:46, 12 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Kolay gelsin Txrazy. Güzelliğin On Par'etmez maddesine başka filmin afişini eklemişsin galiba. Asıl afiş şu (İnglizce) ve şu (Türkçe). — Pınar (mesaj) 00:24, 17 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-26.

Please translate to help inform non-English-language users about the important upcoming Wikimedia Foundation elections, including those for the Board of Trustees and the Funds Dissemination Committee . If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [3]. You can manage your subscription at [4].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 20:33, 18 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Requests for comment/Activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders/Global message

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Requests for comment/Activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders/Global message is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-04-23.

Using Global message delivery, this message will be sent to all Wikimedia community discussion pages.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:55, 21 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Bir yıldız da sizin için!

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Ekip Çalışması Yıldızı
Geçen haftanın işbirliği projesi olan Vikipedinin görsel açıdan zenginleştirilmesi ve görsel bakım çalışmasına katkılarınız için teşekkürler. Tahmin edilenin üstünde bir başarı (yüzde 256 düzeyinde bir başarı) elde ettik. Umarız bu haftanın projesi olan Ödüllü filmler ile ilgili maddeleri düzenleme, geliştirme ve yeni maddeler açma konusu da ilginizi çeker. Katılımızı bekleriz. Mukaddimeileti 06:55, 22 Nisan 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-05-13.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:22, 1 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Said Nursi maddesi

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]

Selam Txrazy, "Said Nursi hakkında tartışmalar" sayfasının saçma bir başlık olduğunu, bunun başka bir örneğinin bulunmadığını, ayrıca bu sayfanın herhangi bir tartışma içeriğine sahip olmadığını düşünüyorum. Said Nursi maddesinin fazla uzun olduğunu düşünüyorsanız eleştiriler bölümü ayrı bir başlığa alınıp özetlenebilir. Kolay gelsin. Angelus 09:43, 6 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Hangi bilgiye göre bunu iddia ediyorsunuz? İngilizce viki'den ziyade tr.viki 'nin yönergelerine göre hareket etmek lazım. Kur-an'ın eleştirisi, Muhammed eleştirisi... gibi maddeler mevcut aynı şekilde VP:TBA çerçevesinde "Said Nursi eleştirisi"'de olabilir. Yeni açılan maddenin adı değiştirilebilir ancak içeriğinin bulunması konusunda ne yazık ki sizinle aynı görüşte değilim.
Şuan itibari ile Said Nursi maddesi uzun sayılmaz ama uzama ihtimali yüksek olan bir madde. Maddenin gelişimi için bu tür alt başlıklar verilip geliştirilmeye açık hale getirilmeli. Bkz; Kemal Sunal. İyi çalışmalar. xrazy[[User Talk:Txrazy

Verdiğiniz örneği inceledim, ancak o sayfanın sadece eleştiriler bölümü başlığa uygun, konu üzerinde çalışmayı düşünüyorum, düşünceleri kısmı ana maddede kalabilir veya ayrı bir başlık altında düzenlenir, eleştiriler de ayrı bir başlıkta, daha estetik bir madde oluşturulabilir. saygılar Angelus 10:37, 6 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Verdiğiniz örneği inceledim, ancak o sayfanın sadece eleştiriler bölümü başlığa uygun, konu üzerinde çalışmayı düşünüyorum, düşünceleri kısmı ana maddede kalabilir veya ayrı bir başlık altında düzenlenir, eleştiriler de ayrı bir başlıkta, daha estetik bir madde oluşturulabilir. saygılar Angelus 10:41, 6 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Thank you letter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-05-18.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:02, 6 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Selam, şu kategoriyi niçin eklediğinize dair açıklama yapabilir misiniz? Şurada aynı konu tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmaya katılmanız bu açıdan önemli. İyi çalışmalar. --esc2003 (mesaj) 10:42, 11 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Maddeye ekleme gerekçenizi söyler misiniz? --esc2003 (mesaj) 20:03, 23 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)
Ayrıca Türkiye'deki suikastlar adlı kategoriyi ekleme nedeninizi de açıklamalısınız. Tartışmayı diğer kullanıcıların değil bizzat katkı sahiplerinin yapıyor olması gerekir. --esc2003 (mesaj) 07:19, 25 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Bir yıldız da sizin için!

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Ekip Çalışması Yıldızı
İncelenmemiş Sayfa Onaylama, madde düzenleme ve bakım çalışması konulu iş birliği projesine katılımız için teşekkürler. Hedefimize ulaşarak 13.000 maddeyi incelemeden geçirdik ve böylece incelenmiş madde oranını yüzde 80'e yaklaştırdık. Bu haftanın iş birliği projesi ise Türk filmleri ile ilgili maddeleri oluşturma olarak seçildi. Katılımızı bekleriz. Mukaddimeileti 12:17, 13 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please help non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [5]. You can manage your subscription at [6].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:47, 25 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Voter e-mail

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Voter e-mail is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-03.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:07, 28 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: User:SamoaBot/Wikidata Summary/translate

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page User:SamoaBot/Wikidata Summary/translate is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is low.

It is a new and improved version of User:Addbot/Wikidata Summary, featuring full support for "plural" directives and a new "$user" variable. We are working on enabling these summaries for all "new-generation" interwiki bots.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:56, 28 Mayıs 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-06.

We could greatly use your help doing some quick translations for the SecurePoll (voting) interface that will be used for this years Board and FDC elections. The translation consists of a short, 2 sentence, intro for the vote and 3 short 'titles' saying which vote or question they will be on. The page also lists the candidates for each election which do not need to be translated but can be transliterated if that makes sense for your language/script. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the Elections talk page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:28, 3 Haziran 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-06.

Please accept my apologies for the second notification. Because of the importance of the election and 2 new sentences that need to be translated we decided it was worth it to message everyone again. Please double check to make sure everything in your language is translated!

If you can please also translate the Central Notice banners that will alert people that the election has started (and when results are ready). So that we do not have to send out another notice you can find those translations:

Here (for the voting banner)

Here (for the results banner)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:06, 6 Haziran 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Announcement Universal Language Selector

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Announcement Universal Language Selector is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-11.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:37, 7 Haziran 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [7]. You can manage your subscription at [8].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 18:36, 13 Haziran 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: PRISM

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page PRISM is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-18.

Hi translators,

the Wikimedia Foundation legal team has just published this page, asking the Wikimedia community to comment on whether they should take any action with regards to the recently uncovered PRISM surveillance scandal.

I'll greatly appreciate your involvement & contributions to have this page translated into as many languages as possible as well as popularised as widely as possible — please let your communities know about this so we can make the most use of this consultation period.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:21, 15 Haziran 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:54, 16 Temmuz 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:56, 16 Temmuz 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, June 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, June 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:44, 19 Temmuz 2013 (UTC)

1896 Yaz Olimpiyatları'nda İsveç

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Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holders

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to inactive right holders is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-08-10.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:44, 4 Ağustos 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:31, 31 Ağustos 2013 (UTC)

Bir yıldız da sizin için!

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Özgün Yıldız
başarilar Aliayd0 (mesaj) 20:22, 21 Ekim 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:00, 2 Aralık 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:Index/Eligibility requirements is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Dear translators,

I have updated the Eligibility Requirements page for the Project and Event Grants program, and re-organized the information to be more readable, as well as easier to translate.

Your help in bringing this information to different language communities has tremendous value: many people are timid about grants, and having to digest all this relatively-formal information in English makes it even more scary.

Your translations can help more Wikimedians apply for funding, and thereby enable more awesome work to take place around the world. Thank you for your valuable efforts!

Asaf Bartov, Grantmaking team, WMF

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:02, 2 Aralık 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:36, 12 Aralık 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20131202

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20131202 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-01-02.

Thank you for your help translating this 'Thank you letter' from the Wikimedia Foundation's Executive Director Sue Gardner into your language.

If you have any questions, please post them on my talk page https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Jrobell

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:34, 12 Aralık 2013 (UTC)

Ülkü Ocakları

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Ülkü Ocakları sayfası için En iyi oturan siyasi parti sablonu bu şekilde onaylayamaz mısınız. Ben Düzelttim tüm bilgiler günceldir bu haliyle onaylar mısınız.

Olcay Kılavuz sayfası için tüm bilgileri http://www.ulkuocaklari.org.tr/genel-baskan sayfasından çekerek yazdım onaylarmısınız.

Translation notification: Privacy policy

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Privacy policy is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new privacy policy is ending on January 15. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be

close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

The main text of the privacy policy is contained in the following pages, please click "Translate" on each of them:

Privacy policy / Summary / What the policy doesn't cover / Definitions

Please also consider translating the FAQ and other supplementary material, which can be found (along with the main text) here:


Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:43, 8 Ocak 2014 (UTC)

w-harfli turkce sayfalar

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DUZELTINIZ128.164.157.184 00:41, 11 Ocak 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Data retention guidelines

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Data retention guidelines is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new data retention guidelines is ending on February 14. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

Please click "Translate" on both of these pages:

Introduction explaining the discussion phase / Main text of the guidelines

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:17, 10 Şubat 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Board Service is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

This is the second in a series of blogs posts by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, explaining the work of the Board Governance Committee. It is planned to be published at https://blog.wikimedia.org/ on Friday, February 28.

Translations are also still welcome for the first post in the series, titled "Introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees", where Vice Chair Phoebe Ayers explains the Board, its mandate, and its work within the community. It will hopefully remain a useful reference for a long time to come. It can be translated at [10].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:36, 26 Şubat 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2014

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, January 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from January. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Translations are also still welcome for the recently published December Highlights, at [11].

If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:19, 1 Mart 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Staff summary/Progress report form/Q2 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

This report is written by FDC Staff and is intended for the FDC, FDC grantees, and the larger movement. It includes a summary table of financial information from this past quarter, and summaries of each entity’s progress report in this past quarter.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:36, 12 Mart 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This is the text of a just published blog post summarizing the actions taken to protect users of Wikimedia sites against the recently discovered "Heartbleed" security vulnerability. (The post explains that users will need to re-login the next time they use their accounts and suggests to change passwords as a standard precautionary measure, but it is currently not intended to enforce a password change for all users.) Completed translations will be added to the blog post.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:15, 10 Nisan 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising/Translation/Ways to Give new

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Fundraising/Translation/Ways to Give new is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-04-30.

Thanks to your help, we can create Ways to Give pages across languages. This is an important page for WMF fundraising.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:35, 15 Nisan 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from the month of March. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and project village pumps.

Help is also still welcoming in translating the previous issue of the Wikimedia Highlights which was published last week, at [12].

If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [13]. You can manage your subscription at [14].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:08, 1 Mayıs 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:52, 26 Mayıs 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-06-20.

Please help us translate our Thank You email that is sent to our donors on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's new executive director Lila Tretikov. We would highly appreciate your help on this in order to make sure the letter is available for our donors to read in their native language.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:56, 6 Haziran 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:00, 11 Haziran 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from May. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:43, 1 Temmuz 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Mailing lists/List info

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Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Mailing lists/List info is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

We are re-designing our mailing list information pages and we would very much appreciate if you could please translate a few short phrases so that non-English speakers are able to easily sign up to our Mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:09, 19 Ağustos 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/RenameUser announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-09-08.

Translators, I (Keegan) am sending a message on behalf of Stewards and WMF engineering to inform communities about local renaming being turned off in the middle of September as usernames start moving global. Please translate this message so I can deliver it in a proper, localized form.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:59, 3 Eylül 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-09-22.

This page includes questions to be used to create the 2014 Global South User survey which will help us

learn more about our users from countries in the global south, and your input and feedback on Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia projects help us understand the specific needs of local user communities in the global south.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:31, 16 Eylül 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Research:Global South User Survey 2014/Questions is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-09-24.

Thank you for everyone who helped so far with translating this page. There are still a few more languages to work on, so feel free to help if you can spare a few hours over the weekend!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:49, 20 Eylül 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

There is a new initiative to clean up file information pages across Wikimedia wikis. In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help to translate a few pages. In addition to the one linked above, there are two short pages: We have done our best to prepare the pages to minimize the work for translators, and if you notice anything else we could do to make translation easier, please do let us know. Guillaume is also happy to answer any questions you might have while translating the documents.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:28, 20 Ekim 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Global AbuseFilters were recently enabled on many Wikimedia projects. As we'd like to notify the affected wikis about it, we've created a page for announcing this: Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement. We'd like to make the announcement accessible to as many users as possible and therefore would like to ask for your help in translating the announcement.

In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help in translating the following mass message which will be sent to the affected wikis as well:

The message will be sent in about three days time from now (on 13 November) so if you are planning on translating the message, please make sure that Global AbuseFilter/2014 announcement (condensed) is translated before the deadline.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:12, 10 Kasım 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:APG/Funds Dissemination Committee/Advisory Group/Recommendations/2014/ED Response is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is low.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:05, 20 Kasım 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/FDC portal/FDC recommendations/2014-2015 round1

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:APG/FDC portal/FDC recommendations/2014-2015 round1 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:00, 21 Kasım 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, October 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from October. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:55, 2 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 5 January 2015.

Single-user login finalization will finally take place in April 2015. There are some small changes to the text in this page to say this as well as mentioning local renaming is no longer possible. Please help update the translation to this page before accounts that are going to be affected are notified. Also updated with a very small change that needs translated is this page: < https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Single_User_Login_finalisation_announcement/Personal_announcement >. This text will be sent or linked to every account that will be affected, please help make sure it is ready to be sent out in your language(s).

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:03, 8 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:PEG/About the Project and Event Grants Program

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:PEG/About the Project and Event Grants Program is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-12-31.

We are starting to mark all the revised Project & Event Grant pages for translation (in order of priority). Many thanks to all you translators for supporting with this effort!

Please leave questions about the page on the discussion page or post questions directly to user:AWang (WMF)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:58, 9 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:PEG/Program Pages

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Grants:PEG/Program Pages is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2014-12-31.

We are doing a translation campaign of the revised Project and Event Grant pages. Thanks so much for your support! Please send questions to user:AWang (WMF).

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:47, 10 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Stewards

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Hello Txrazy,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Türkçe on Meta. The page Stewards is available for translation. You can translate it here:

You're being notified because your language version of the page is very outdated. To provide useful and accurate information to users looking for stewards' help, the page should be updated.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:21, 15 Aralık 2014 (UTC)

Sizi özledik Txrazy/2014!

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Txrazy/2014, Vikipedi sizi özledi!
Katkılarınızı ve Vikipedi'deki varlığınızı özledik!

Eski temponuzla, aramıza yeniden dönmeniz dileğiyle,
Sizi Bekliyoruz!

En samimi ve içten sevgilerle, Mavrikantmsj 09:31, 19 Aralık 2014 (UTC)