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  Muhammed'in emriyle öldürülenler
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1 Esma bint Mervân Ocak 624[1] Muhammed'i hedef alan ve insanları Muhammed'e saldırması için kışkırtan şiirler yazdı.[2][3][1]

Ümeyr bin Adî[4][2] tarafından öldürüldü.[1][5]

  • Muhammed İbn İshak, Hz. Muhammedin Hayatı: Siyer-i İbn-i İshak
  • İbn Sa'd, Kitabü’t Tabakati’l Kebir - Cilt:2: Resulullah’ın (Sallallahu Aleyhi Vesellem) Gazve ve Seriyyeleri
2 Ebu Afek Şubat 624[6] Muhammed'i şiirleriyle eleştirdi[3][7][6][8] ve İbn Sa'd'a göre insanları Muhammed'e karşı kışkırttı.[2] Salim bin Umeyr tarafından öldürüldü.[6][7][3]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[7]
  • Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2[9]
3 Nadr bin Haris Bedir Muharebesi'nden sonra
Mart 624[10]
Kuran ayetleri hakkında "eskilerin hikâyeleri" diyerek alay etti.[11] Ali veya Muhammed tarafından öldürüldü.[11] Bedir Muaharebesi'nde esir alınıp öldürülen 2 esirden biridir.[12]
4 Ukbe bin Ebi Muayt Bedir Muharebesi'nden sonra
Mart 624[10]
Muhammed'e karşı düşmanlık ve hakaret etmek.[12] Asım bin Sabit veya Ali tarafından öldürüldü.[12]
5 Ka'b bin Eşref 4 Eylül 624[13] Muhammed ve ashabını şiirleriyle hicvetmek ve insanları onlara karşı kışkırtmak.[2][14] Muhammed'in ve Medineli Müslümanların hanımlarına şiirleriyle sarkıntılık etmek.[15]

Muhammed b. Mesleme, Ebû Nâile b. Selâme, Abbâd b. Bişr, Hâris b. Evs ve Ebû Abs tarafından öldürüldü.[13][16]

6 Ebu Rafi bin Ebi Hukayk Aralık 628[19] Hendek Muharebesi'nde Arap kabilelerini Medine üzerine saldırmaları için kışkırtmak.[19] Abdullah bin Afik tarafından öldürüldü.[20][21]
7 Halid bin Süfyan 625[25] Muhammed'e karşı savaşmak için adam toplamak.[2] Abdullah bin Üneys tarafından öldürüldü.[2][26]
8 Ebu Azze Mart 625[30] Muhammed'e karşı savaşmak.[31][32] Asım bin Sabit tarafından öldürüldü.[32]
  • Tabari, Volume 7, The foundation of the community[33]
9 Muaviye bin Muğire Mart 625[30] Muhammed ondan üç gün içerisinde Medine'yi terk etmesini istediği hâlde buna uymaması.[34]

Zeyd bin Harise ve Ammar bin Yasir tarafından öldürüldü.[34]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[35]
10 Haris bin Süveyd Mart 625[30] Uhud Muharebesi'nde Mücezzir bin Ziyad ve Kays bin Zeyd'i öldürmesi.[36] Osman tarafından öldürüldü.[36]
11 Abu Sufyan 627[39] Amr bin Umayyah al-Damri sent to assassinate Abu Sufyan (Quraysh leader)[40][40]

3 polytheists killed by Muslims[40]

  • Tabari, Volume 7, The foundation of the community[41]
12 Beni Kurayza kabilesi Şubat-Mart 627[42] Hendek Muharebesi'nde Mekkelilerin yanında savaşmaları.[43] 700 civarı Benî Kureyzalı erkekler öldürüldü.[44]
13 Abdullah ibn Ubayy December 627[39]
(during Invasion of Banu Mustaliq[49] )
Kill Abdullah ibn Ubayy, to whom verse 63:8 refers, and who was accused by Muhammad of slandering his family by spreading false rumors about Aisha (his wife).[50] His son offered to behead him[51][52]

Muhammad calls off assassination and says to Umar "if I had had him (Abdullah bin Ubai) killed, a large number of dignitaries would have furiously hastened to fight for him"[53] Later he reveals a Quran verse forbidding Muslims from attending the funeral of disbelievers and "hypocrites"[54][55]

14 Al-Yusayr ibn Rizam February 628[39] Kill Al-Yusayr ibn Rizam because Muhammad heard that his group was preparing to attack him[56][57]

30 killed by Muslims[56][57]

  • Tirmidhi no. 3923[58]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[59]
15 Eight men from 'Ukil February 628[39] Kill 8 men who came to him and converted to Islam, but then apostatized, killed one Muslim and drove off with Muhammad's camels[60]

Muslims: 1 killed
Non-Muslims: 8 tortured to death[60][61]

16 Rifa’ah bin Qays 629[63][64] To kill Rifa’ah bin Qays, because Muhammad heard they were allegedly enticing the people of Qais to fight him[64]

1 beheaded,[65] 4 women captured by Muslims[66]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[65]
  • Tabari, Volume 8, History of Islam[66]
17 Abdullah bin Khatal During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67][68][69]
Kill Abdullah bin Khatal for killing a slave and fleeing, as well and for reciting poems insulting Muhammad[67][68][69]

2 Muslims execute him, after finding him hiding under the curtains of the Ka'aba[67][68][69]

18 Fartana During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67][72]
Kill Fartana (a slave girl of Abdullah ibn Khatal), because she used to sing satirical songs about Muhammad[67][69]

Fartana is killed[67][69][72]

19 Quraybah During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Quraybah (a slave girl of Abdullah ibn Khatal), because she used to sing satirical songs about Muhammad[67]

Quraybah converts to Islam and is pardoned[67][71]

20 Huwayrith ibn Nafidh During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
When Muhammad's daughters were fleeing Medina, he stabbed their camels, causing injuries. He was a poet who "disgraced and abused" Islam[67][69][75]

Huwayrith ibn Nafidh killed[69][75] by Ali[67]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
21 Miqyas ibn Subabah During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Miqyas killed a Muslim who accidentally killed his brother, and escaped to Mecca and became an apostate by embracing polytheism[67][69][70][75]

Miqyas killed[67][69][75]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
22 Sara During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Ibn Ishaq says Muhammad ordered Sara be killed because she "had insulted him in Mecca"[70][67]

Conflicting reports:

  1. Ibn Ishaq reports that she embraced Islam but was killed later, during the time of Umar[70]
  2. Tabari reports she was killed[76]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
  • Tabari, Volume 8, History of Islam[76]
23 Harith ibn Hisham During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Harith ibn Hisham, reason unknown[67][70], though he was among those who fought against the Muslims in the battle of Uhud[77]>

According to Ibn Sa'd, Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah and Harith ibn Hisham both sought refuge in a Muslim relatives house, the relative pleaded with Muhammad for mercy, so he pardoned them on the condition they embrace Islam[67][78]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
  • Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2[78]
24 Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah, reason unknown[67][70]

See above result[67][70]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
25 al-Aswad al-Ansi During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Muhammad sent a messenger to Yemen instructing that al-Aswad al-Ansi (not to be confused with Habbar al-Aswad) should be killed because he was a "false prophet"[79] and a "liar"[80]. Al-Baladhuri reports that al-Aswad was a false prophet and refused Muhammad's invitation to accept Islam.[81]

Tabari reports that al-Aswad al-Ansi was killed the day before Muhammad's own death after he sent a messenger to persuade the local al-Abna' people to kill him[79][80] Al Baladhuri adds further detail that Muhammad chose this plan because the al-Abna' already had grievances against al-Aswad.[81]

26 Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl, bcause he was hostile to Muhammad like his father Abu Jahl[67][70]

Conflicting reports

  1. Ibn Ishaq says, his wife "became a Muslim and asked for immunity for him and the apostle gave it"[70]
  2. Tabari says he was "eliminated"[82]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[70]
  • Tabari, Volume 8, History of Islam[82]
27 Wahshi ibn Harb During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Wahshi ibn Harb, for killing Muhammad's uncle during the Battle of Uhud[67]

Wahshi ibn Harb pardoned by Muhammad after he asks for forgiveness and offers to convert to Islam[67][83]

  • Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2[83]
28 Ka'b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulama After Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Assassinate Ka'b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulama for writing satirical poems about Muhammad[67][84][85]. One of his poems recorded by Ibn Ishaq includes the line, "I was told that the Messenger of Allah threatened me (with death), but with the Messenger of Allah I have hope of finding pardon"[86].

Ibn Ishaq wrote that when one of the Ansar asked permission to behead Ka'b, "the apostle told him to let him alone because he had come repentant breaking from his past", so he was pardoned[86][85]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[86]
29 Al-Harith bin al-Talatil During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
For mocking Muhammad through poetry[67]

Al-Harith bin al-Talatil is killed by Ali[67][87]

  • Ibn Kathir's Sira al-Nabawiyya[87]
30 Abdullah ibn Ziba'ra During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Abdullah ibn Ziba'ra, for writing insulting poems about Muhammad[67]

Ibn Hisham reports that Abdullah ibn Ziba'ra repented and converted to Islam, so Muhammad pardoned him[67][88] and that he had fled because "the apostle had killed some of the men in Mecca who had satirized and insulted him".[89]

  • Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi[90]
  • Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir[91]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[89]
31 Hubayrah During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Hubayrah (cousin of al Ziba'ra), for mocking Muhammad through poetry[67]

Tabari Volume 39 states, Hubayrah "ran away when Mecca was conquered, and died in Najran as an infidel"[67]. Ibn Ishaq reports that he fled because "the apostle had killed some of the men in Mecca who had satirized and insulted him".[89]

  • Tabari, Volume 39, Biographies of the Prophet's companions and their successors[92]
  • Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi[90]
  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[89]
32 Hind bint Utbah During/after Conquest of Mecca
(Jan 630)[67]
Kill Hind bint Utbah (wife of Abu Sufyan) for cutting out the heart of Muhammad's uncle Hamza after he died, during the Battle of Uhud[67]

Tabari said, Hind "swore allegiance and became a Muslim.",[93] she was pardoned by Muhammad[67]

33 Amr ibn Jihash (convert to Islam)[94] During the Invasion of Banu Nadir[94]
(Aug 625)[95]
According to Ibn Kathir and Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad said to Yamin bim Umayr, about Amr ibn Jash "Have you seen the way your cousin has treated me and what he proposed to do?"[96][94] Muhammad accused him of trying to assassinate him[97]

Amr ibn Jihash is assassinated after a Muslim offers a reward for his killing[94]

  • Ibn Hisham & Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah[96]
34 King or Prince of Dumatul Jandal October 630[98] Attack the chief of Duma for Jizyah and booty[99][100]

1 killed, 2 taken captive. The Chief of Duma was released unharmed.[101]

35 Umaiya bin Khalaf Abi Safwan Unknown Kill Umaiya bin Khalaf, Muhammad's reason is unknown.[103] But Bilal wanted to kill him for torturing him[104]

Umaiya bin Khalaf killed by Bilal[103][104]

36 Blind man's wife/concubine Unknown Killed by a Muslim on his own initiative because the woman insulted Muhammad. When Muhammad learned what had happened he said no retaliation is payable for her blood.[105][106]

Blind Muslim kills his wife/concubine[105][106]

37 Ibn Sunayna Unknown Muhammad reportedly ordered his followers to "kill any Jew that falls into your power", Muhayissa heard this and went out to kill Ibn Sunayna (a Jew)[107][108]

Ibn Sunayna killed by Muhayissa[107][108]

38 Abdallah ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh During/after Conquest of Mecca[67]

(Jan 630)[

Kill Abdallah ibn Sa‘ad, because he became and apostate (left Islam) and fled to Mecca. He also claimed that he was the one who wrote certain verses of the Qur'an and started to mock Muhammad, which made him angry[110]

On the day of the Conquest of Mecca, Abdallah ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh accepted Islam again[111]. A misunderstanding leads to his pardoning. He was brought in front of Muhammad and offered his loyalty, Muhammad upheld his hand to indicate that his followers should kill him, but the Muslims thought he pardoned him.[110] He said "Was not there a wise man among you who would stand up to him when he saw that I had withheld my hand from accepting his allegiance, and kill him?"[112]

39 Ibn an-Nawwahah Unknown Ibn Kathir and Sunan Abu Dawud record that Muhammad once said about Ibn an-Nawwahah "I would have cut off your head, if it was not that emissaries are not killed" because he claimed Musaylimah was a Prophet, so Abdullah ibn Masud killed Ibn an-Nawwahah when he was no longer an emissary[113][114]

Abdullah ibn Masud beheads Ibn an-Nawwahah[113][114]

40 Nameless spy Unknown Kill a man Muhammad suspected of being a spy[116][117]

Salama bin Al-Akwa chases and kills the suspected spy[116][117]

41 Man from Aslam tribe Unknown Kill a man from the Aslam tribe for Adultery[118][119]

Man from Aslam tribe stoned to death[118][119]

42 Kinana ibn al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq July 628[120] Torture Kinana ibn al-Rabi to find location of allegedly hidden treasure of Banu Nadir[121][122]

Kinana ibn al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq beheaded after being tortured with fire[121][122]

43 Bahilah and Banu Khath'am tribes 632 Muhammad sends Jarir ibn-'Abdullah to destroy the Ka'aba of Yemen, Dhu-l-Khalasah, which was the subject of idolatry. Jarir reports back to Muhammad of the destruction and killings, which Muhammad approves.

100 men of the Bahilah, and 200 of banu-Khath'am were killed in order to destroy the idol of Dur l-Khalasa[124]

  1. ^ a b c William Muir (1861). The life of Mahomet. Smith, Elder and co. s. 130. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f İbn Sa'd. Kitabü’t Tabakati’l Kebir - Cilt:2: Resulullah’ın (Sallallahu Aleyhi Vesellem) Gazve ve Seriyyeleri. Siyer Basim Yayin Dagitim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. 
  3. ^ a b c Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Ellison Banks Findly (1985). Women, religion, and social change. New York: SUNY Press. s. 24. ISBN 0-88706-069-2.  Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi: "Haddad" adı farklı içerikte birden fazla tanımlanmış (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  4. ^ Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, 10. cilt, Sayfa 33.
  5. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (çevirmen), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, sf. 210.
  6. ^ a b c William Muir (1861). The life of Mahomet. Smith, Elder and co. s. 133.  Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi: "William Muir Elder and co 133" adı farklı içerikte birden fazla tanımlanmış (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  7. ^ a b c Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; Muhammad pp. 675-676 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  8. ^ De Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, Darussalam, A Biography of the Prophet of Islam (Vol 1 & 2), s. 433.
  9. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; ibn Sa'd p31 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  10. ^ a b Safi ur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri, The sealed nectar: biography of the Noble Prophet, p. 274.
  11. ^ a b Köse, Feyza Betül (30 Haziran 2018). "Bir Entelektüel Müşrik: Nadr b. el-Hâris el-Abderî ve Mücadelesi". İnönü Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 1 (9). ss. 69-85. 
  12. ^ a b c Yiğit, İsmail. "UKBE b. EBÛ MUAYT". TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Erişim tarihi: 24 Eylül 2019. 
  13. ^ a b Kapar, Mehmet Ali. "KÂ'B b. EŞREF". TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Eylül 2019. 
  14. ^ Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, pp.151-153. (online)
  15. ^ Yalar, Mehmet (1 Ocak 2009). "İslami Arap Şiiri ve Hz. Peygamber". 1 (18). Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. s. 61-88. 
  16. ^ Buhari. "(Yahûdî Şâiri) Ka'b İbnu'l-Eşrefin Öldürülmesi Babı". Kitâbü'l-Meğâzî. 
  17. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; ibn Ishaq p364-369 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  18. ^ Ibn Kathir says of al-Ashraf: "he harmed the messenger of God (SAAS) by ridiculing him in verse and he rode in to Quraysh to incite them further", and "He went to Medina where he proclaimed his enmity and incited people to go to war. He had not left Mecca before he had united them to fight the Messenger of God (SAAS)" Ibn Kathir, Sira al-Nabawiyya Volume 3, Translator:Trevor Gassick, Centre for Muslim Contribution to Civilisation, p.6-7
  19. ^ a b Ülkü, Hayati (1972). Muhtasar İslâm Tarihi. 1. Şelâle Yayınevi. s. 203. 
  20. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; webcitation.org isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  21. ^ Buhari. "Ebû Râfi' Abdullah İbnu Ebı'l-Hukayk'ın Öldürülmesi Babı". Meğazi. 
  22. ^ Mubarakpuri, Saifur Rahman Al (2005), The Sealed Nectar, Darussalam Publications, s. 204 
  23. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 482. "THE KILLING OF SALLAM IBN ABU'L-HUQAYQ"
  24. ^ Tabari, Al (2008), The foundation of the community, State University of New York Press, s. 100, ISBN 978-0887063442 
  25. ^ a b Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, pp. 186-187. (online)
  26. ^ Sağlam, Hadi (31 Mart 2017). "İslam İdare Hukukunda Yönetim Şekli". 2 (1). Universal Journal of Theology. s. 36-57. 
  27. ^ Sunnah.org, says Ahmad 3:496, al-Waqidi 2:533, archive
  28. ^ Al Tabari, Isma'il Qurban Husayn (translator) (25 Sep 1990), The last years of the Prophet, State University of New York Press, s. 121, ISBN 978-0887066917  (online)
  29. ^ Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar Ibn Kathīr (2000), The life of the prophet Muḥammad: a translation of al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya, Garnet, s. 190, ISBN 978-1859640098 
  30. ^ a b c Watt, W. Montgomery (1956). Muhammad at Medina. Oxford University Press. s. 34. ISBN 978-0195773071. The expeditions to Hamra' al-Asad and Qatan (March and June 625)  (free online)
  31. ^ Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, s. 183. (online)
  32. ^ a b Köksal, Mustafa Asım. İslam Tarihi-4. s. 16. 
  33. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; Tabari 2008 141–142 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  34. ^ a b Şema, Ekrem (12 Eylül 2008). Başlar ve Kılıçlar. Yücel Yayınları. Erişim tarihi: 24 Mart 2020. 
  35. ^ a b Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; Muhammad pp. 755-756 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  36. ^ a b A. Cude es - Sahhar. VEDA HACCI. İnkılâb Basım Yayım. s. 74. ISBN 9786059555111. Erişim tarihi: 27 Mart 2020. 
  37. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; A. Rahman pp. 25-26 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  38. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; Ze'ev Maghen isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  39. ^ a b c d Abū Khalīl, Shawqī (2003). Atlas of the Quran. Dar-us-Salam. s. 242. ISBN 978-9960897547.  |başlık= dış bağlantı (yardım)
  40. ^ a b c Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 211. (online)
  41. ^ Tabari, Al (2008), The foundation of the community, State University of New York Press, s. 147, ISBN 978-0887063442 
  42. ^ William Muir (2003), The life of Mahomet, Kessinger Publishing, s. 317, ISBN 9780766177413 
  43. ^ Avcı, Câsim. TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Erişim tarihi: 28 Mart 2020. 
  44. ^ Kısakürek, Necip Fazıl. Gönül Nimetleri: El-Mevahibü'l Ledüniyye. Büyük Doğu Yayınları Basım Yayın Prodüksiyon Ltd. Şti. ISBN 9786054955671. Erişim tarihi: 28 Mart 2020. 
  45. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz'21 isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  46. ^ Ibn Kathir, Saed Abdul-Rahman (2009), Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz'21, MSA Publication Limited, s. 213, ISBN 9781861796110  (online)
  47. ^ Muhammad Husayn Haykal, The Life of Muhammad, p. 338.
  48. ^ Al Tabari, Michael Fishbein (translator) (1997), Volume 8, Victory of Islam, State University of New York Press, ss. 35–36, ISBN 9780791431504  pp. 35–36.
  49. ^ Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 208-210. (online)
  50. ^ Ibn Kathīr, Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman (2009), Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz' 18 (Part 18): Al-Muminum 1 to Al-Furqan 20 2nd Edition, MSA Publication Limited, s. 77, ISBN 9781861797223 
  51. ^ Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, pp. 209-210. (online)
  52. ^ Haykal, Hussain (1994), The Life of Mohammed, Islamic Book Trust, s. 354, ISBN 978-8187746461 
  53. ^ a b Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 210. (online)
  54. ^ Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Volume 4), Volume 4, s. 490 
  55. ^ Rahman, Muhammad Saed (2008), Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz' 10 (Part 10): Al-Anfal 41 To At-Tauba 92, MSA publication limited, s. 221, ISBN 9781861795786 
  56. ^ a b William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, Volume 4, p. 17
  57. ^ a b Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 241. (online)
  58. ^ Tirmidhi (Partial translation), see no. 3923, p. 182.
  59. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator) (1998). The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh. Oxford University Press. s. 665. Abdullah b. Rawaha's raid to kill al-Yusayr b. Rizam 
  60. ^ a b c William Muir, The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira, Volume 4, pp. 18-19.
  61. ^ Şablon:Bukhari
  62. ^ Tafsir ibn Kathir, Surai Madiah 5:39, "The Punishment of those who cause mischief in the Land", and Tafsir ibn Kathir, 5:39, Text version
  63. ^ Al Tabari, Isma'il Qurban Husayn (translator) (25 Sep 1990), The last years of the Prophet, State University of New York Press, s. 123, ISBN 978-0887066917  (online)
  64. ^ a b Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 242. (online)
  65. ^ a b Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, pp. 671-672.
  66. ^ a b Al Tabari, Michael Fishbein (translator) (1997), Volume 8, Victory of Islam, State University of New York Press, s. 151, ISBN 9780791431504 
  67. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar Wahid Khan, Maulana (2002), Muhammad: a prophet for all humanity, Goodword, ss. 327–333 
  68. ^ a b c Şablon:Bukhari
  69. ^ a b c d e f g h i Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 254.
  70. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 551.
  71. ^ a b c d Sa'd, Ibn (1967). Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2. Pakistan Historical Society. s. 174. ASIN B0007JAWMK. 
  72. ^ a b Hussain Haykal, The Life of Mohammed, p. 440.
  73. ^ a b c Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 550.
  74. ^ a b The Life of Muhammad: Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi (Routledge Studies in Classical Islam). Faizer, Rizwi [Editor]. Routledge p.406
  75. ^ a b c d S. A. Rahman, Punishment of Apostasy in Islam, p. 68.
  76. ^ a b Al Tabari, Michael Fishbein (translator) (1997), Volume 8, Victory of Islam, State University of New York Press, ss. 179-180, ISBN 9780791431504 
  77. ^ Şablon:Al Tirmidhi.
  78. ^ a b Sa'd, Ibn (1967). Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2. Pakistan Historical Society. s. 179. ASIN B0007JAWMK. 
  79. ^ a b c Al Tabari, Isma'il Qurban Husayn (translator) (25 Sep 1990), The last years of the Prophet, State University of New York Press, s. 167, ISBN 978-0887066917  (online)
  80. ^ a b Şablon:Bukhari
  81. ^ a b Abu-l Abbas Ahmad Ibn Jabir al-Baladhuri, "Futuh al-Buldan", Chapter XXI: Al-Aswad al-‘Ansi and those in al-Yaman who apostatized with him, translated by Philip Khuri Hitti, 1916, New York: Columbia University
  82. ^ a b Al Tabari, Michael Fishbein (translator) (1997), Volume 8, Victory of Islam, State University of New York Press, s. 180, ISBN 9780791431504 
  83. ^ a b Ibn Sa'd, Syed Moinul Haq (translator), Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2, p. 179.
  84. ^ M. Th. Houtsma, E.J. Brill's first encyclopedia of Islam, 1913-1936, p. 584.
  85. ^ a b Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 287.
  86. ^ a b c Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq’s Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 597-601.
  87. ^ a b Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar Ibn Kathīr, Trevor Le Gassick (translator), The life of the prophet Muḥammad: a translation of al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya, p. 57.
  88. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq’s Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 556
  89. ^ a b c d Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq’s Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 597
  90. ^ a b The Life of Muhammad: Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi (Routledge Studies in Classical Islam). Faizer, Rizwi [Editor]. Routledge p.417
  91. ^ Ibn Sa'd, Syed Moinul Haq (translator), Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2, p. 174.
  92. ^ Tabari, Ella Landau-Tasseron (1998), Biographies of the Prophet's companions and their successors, State University of New York Press, s. 196 (footnote 852), ISBN 0791428192 
  93. ^ a b Al Tabari, Michael Fishbein (translator), Volume 8, Victory of Islam, p. 181.
  94. ^ a b c d Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman, Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz' 28 (Part 28): Al-Mujadila 1 to At-Tahrim 12 2nd Edition, p. 44. (online)
  95. ^ Tabari, The foundation of the community, p.161.
  96. ^ a b Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq’s Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 438.
  97. ^ Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman, Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz' 28 (Part 28): Al-Mujadila 1 to At-Tahrim 12 2nd Edition, p. 43. (online)
  98. ^ Abu Khalil, Shawqi (1 Mart 2004). Atlas of the Prophet's biography: places, nations, landmarks. Dar-us-Salam. s. 239. ISBN 978-9960897714. 
  99. ^ a b Al Tabari, Isma'il Qurban Husayn (translator) (25 Sep 1990), The last years of the Prophet, State University of New York Press, ss. 58–59, ISBN 978-0887066917  pp. 58–59. (online)
  100. ^ Mubarakpuri, The Sealed Nectar, p. 277.
  101. ^ Muir, William (10 Ağustos 2003). Life of Mahomet. Kessinger Publishing Co. ss. 458–459. ISBN 978-0766177413. 
  102. ^ Sa'd, Ibn (1967). Kitab al-tabaqat al-kabir, Volume 2. Pakistan Historical Society. s. 205. ASIN B0007JAWMK. 
  103. ^ a b Sir John Bagot Glubb (1998). The life and times of Muhammad. Madison Books. s. 187. . ISBN 9781568331126
  104. ^ a b "This Umayyah was Bilal's previous master who used to torture him by forcing him down to the ground" - Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal, Ismaʼil R. Al-Faruqi, The life of Muḥammad: Volume 1976, Part 2, p. 229.
  105. ^ a b Ruling on one who insults the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 22809
  106. ^ a b Şablon:Abudawud
  107. ^ a b Norman A. Stillman (2003). The Jews of Arab lands: a history and source book. Jewish Publication Society. s. 128.  ISBN 9780827601987
  108. ^ a b Sir John Bagot Glubb (1998). The life and times of Muhammad. Madison Books. s. 199.  ISBN 9781568331126
  109. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p. 369.
  110. ^ a b Sir. William, Muir (1861), The life of Mahomet, Abe books, s. 131 
  111. ^ a b Al-Tabari, "History of al-Tabari Vol. 9 - The Last Years of the Prophet", transl. Ismail K. Poonawala, p.148, Albany: State University of New York Press
  112. ^ Şablon:Abudawud
  113. ^ a b Shaykh Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri, Ismāʻīl ibn ʻUmar Ibn Kathīr, Ṣafī al-Raḥmān Mubārakfūrī, Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Volume 4), Volume 4, p. 379. (online)
  114. ^ a b Şablon:Abudawud
  115. ^ Tabari, Al (1993), The conquest of Arabia, State University of New York Press, s. 107, ISBN 978-0791410714 
  116. ^ a b The Middle East: Abstracts and index, Part 1, p. 423.
  117. ^ a b Şablon:Bukhari
  118. ^ a b Dr. Nabil A. Haroun, Islamic Books, ISBN 9773161277, Teach Yourself Islam, p. 9.
  119. ^ a b Şablon:Abudawud
  120. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator), The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq's Sīrat rasūl Allāh, pp. 755, 763.
  121. ^ a b Mubarakpuri (1996), The sealed nectar: biography of the Noble Prophet, p. 372.
  122. ^ a b Watt, W. Montgomery (1956). Muhammad at Medina. Oxford University Press. s. 218. ISBN 978-0195773071.  |başlık= dış bağlantı (yardım) (free online)
  123. ^ Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Alfred Guillaume (translator). 1956. The life of Muhammad: a translation of Isḥāq’s Sīrat rasūl Allāh, p.515
  124. ^ a b Ibn al Kalbi, Hisham (1952). The book of idols: being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitāb al-asnām. Princeton University Press. pp. 31–2