This list has been generated on Toolserver 4th Januar 2009 by Laaknor, with the following SQL-command:
SELECT DISTINCT page.page_title, categorylinks.cl_to,(SELECT COUNT(ll_lang) FROM langlinks WHERE ll_from = page.page_id) AS IWs
FROM (page LEFT JOIN langlinks ON page.page_id = langlinks.ll_from)
LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page.page_id=categorylinks.cl_from
WHERE langlinks.ll_from = page.page_id AND (SELECT COUNT(ll_lang) FROM langlinks WHERE ll_from = page.page_id AND ll_lang = 'tr') = 0
AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 0 AND page_title NOT LIKE '%BC' AND page_title NOT LIKE '___s'
AND page_title NOT LIKE '____s' ORDER BY IWs DESC LIMIT 0,5000
The list gives the articles on enwiki with the most interwikis to other languages, where trwiki is not among the interwikis.