Characidae | |||||||||||
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Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma ![]() | |||||||||||
Characidae (karaksgiller), Characiformes alttakımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.[1]
[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]Characidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Acanthocharax - Eigenmann, 1912
- Acestrocephalus - Eigenmann, 1910
- Acinocheirodon - Malabarba and Weitzman, 1999
- Acnodon - Eigenmann, 1903
- Acrobrycon - Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Agoniates - M ller and Troschel, 1845
- Ammocryptocharax - Weitzman and Kanazawa, 1976
- Aphyocharacidium - G ry, 1960
- Aphyocharax - G nther, 1868
- Aphyocheirodon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Aphyodite - Eigenmann, 1912
- Argopleura - Eigenmann, 1913
- Astyanacinus - Eigenmann, 1907
- Astyanax - Baird and Girard, 1854
- Atopomesus - Myers, 1927
- Attonitus - Vari and Ortega, 2000
- Aulixidens - B hlke, 1952
- Axelrodia - G ry, 1965
- Bario - Myers, 1940
- Boehlkea - G ry, 1966
- Brachychalcinus - Boulenger, 1892
- Bramocharax - Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877
- Brittanichthys - G ry, 1965
- Brycon - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Bryconacidnus - Myers in Eigenmann and Myers, 1929
- Bryconamericus - Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Bryconella - G ry, 1965
- Bryconexodon - G ry, 1980
- Bryconops - Kner, 1858
- Caiapobrycon - Malabarba and Vari, 2000
- Carlana - Strand, 1928
- Carlastyanax - G ry, 1972
- Catoprion - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Ceratobranchia - Eigenmann in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Chalceus - Cuvier, 1818
- Characidium - Reinhardt, 1867
- Charax - Scopoli, 1777
- Cheirodon - Girard, 1855
- Cheirodontops - Schultz, 1944
- Chilobrycon - G ry and de Rham, 1981
- Chrysobrycon - Weitzman and Menezes, 1998
- Clupeacharax - Pearson, 1924
- Colossoma - Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Compsura - Eigenmann, 1915
- Coptobrycon - G ry, 1966
- Corynopoma - Gill, 1858
- Creagrutus - G nther, 1864
- Crenuchus - G nther, 1863
- Ctenobrycon - Eigenmann, 1908
- Cyanocharax - Malabarba and Weitzman, 2003
- Cynopotamus - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Deuterodon - Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Diapoma - Cope, 1894
- Elachocharax - Myers, 1927
- Engraulisoma - Castro, 1981
- Exodon - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Galeocharax - Fowler, 1910
- Genycharax - Eigenmann, 1912
- Gephyrocharax - Eigenmann, 1912
- Geryichthys - Zarske, 1997
- Glandulocauda - Eigenmann, 1911
- Gnathocharax - Fowler, 1913
- Grundulus - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846
- Gymnocharacinus - Steindachner, 1903
- Gymnocorymbus - Eigenmann, 1908
- Gymnotichthys - Fern ndez-Y pez, 1950
- Hasemania - Ellis, 1911
- Hemibrycon - G nther, 1864
- Hemigrammus - Gill, 1858
- Henochilus - Garman, 1890
- Heterocharax - Eigenmann, 1912
- Heterocheirodon - Malabarba, 1998
- Hollandichthys - Eigenmann, 1910
- Hoplocharax - G ry, 1966
- Hyphessobrycon - Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
- Hypobrycon - Malabarba and Malabarba, 1994
- Hysteronotus - Eigenmann, 1911
- Iguanodectes - Cope, 1872
- Inpaichthys - G ry and Junk, 1977
- Iotabrycon - Roberts, 1973
- Jupiaba - Zanata, 1997
- Klausewitzia - G ry, 1965
- Knodus - Eigenmann, 1911
- Kolpotocheirodon - Malabarba and Weitzman, 2000
- Landonia - Eigenmann and Henn in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Leptagoniates - Boulenger, 1887
- Leptobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Leptocharacidium - Buckup, 1993
- Lignobrycon - Eigenmann and Myers, 1929
- Lonchogenys - Myers, 1927
- Lophiobrycon - Castro, Ribeira, Benine and Melo, 2003
- Macropsobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Markiana - Eigenmann, 1903
- Melanocharacidium - Buckup, 1993
- Metynnis - Cope, 1878
- Microcharacidium - Buckup, 1993
- Microgenys - Eigenmann, 1913
- Microschemobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Mimagoniates - Regan, 1907
- Mixobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Moenkhausia - Eigenmann, 1903
- Monotocheirodon - Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Mylesinus - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Myleus - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Myloplus - Gill, 1896
- Mylossoma - Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Nanocheirodon - Malabarba, 1998
- Nematobrycon - Eigenmann, 1911
- Nematocharax - Weitzman, Menezes and Britski, 1986
- Odontocharacidium - Buckup, 1993
- Odontostilbe - Cope, 1870
- Odontostoechus - Gomes, 1947
- Oligobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Oligosarcus - G nther, 1864
- Orthospinus - Reis, 1989
- Ossubtus - J gu, 1992
- Othonocheirodus - Myers, 1927
- Oxybrycon - G ry, 1964
- Paracheirodon - G ry, 1960
- Paragoniates - Steindachner, 1876
- Parapristella - G ry, 1964
- Parastremma - Eigenmann, 1912
- Parecbasis - Eigenmann, 1914
- Petitella - G ry and Bouti re, 1964
- Phenacobrycon - Eigenmann, 1922
- Phenacogaster - Eigenmann, 1907
- Phenagoniates - Eigenmann and Wilson in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Piabarchus - Myers, 1928
- Piabina - Reinhardt, 1867
- Piabucus - Oken, 1817
- Piaractus - Eigenmann, 1903
- Planaltina - B hlke, 1954
- Poecilocharax - Eigenmann, 1909
- Poptella - Eigenmann, 1908
- Priocharax - Weitzman and Vari, 1987
- Prionobrama - Fowler, 1913
- Pristella - Eigenmann, 1908
- Pristobrycon - Eigenmann, 1915
- Probolodus - Eigenmann, 1911
- Prodontocharax - Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Psalidodon - Eigenmann, 1911
- Psellogrammus - Eigenmann, 1908
- Pseudochalceus - Kner, 1863
- Pseudocheirodon - Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Pseudocorynopoma - Perugia, 1891
- Pterobrycon - Eigenmann, 1913
- Ptychocharax - Weitzman, Fink, Machado-Allison and Royero L., 1994
- Pygocentrus - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Pygopristis - M ller and Troschel, 1844
- Rachoviscus - Myers, 1926
- Rhinobrycon - Myers, 1944
- Rhinopetitia - G ry, 1964
- Rhoadsia - Fowler, 1911
- Roeboexodon - G ry, 1959
- Roeboides - G nther, 1864
- Saccoderma - Schultz, 1944
- Salminus - Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Schultzites - G ry, 1964
- Scissor - G nther, 1864
- Scopaeocharax - Weitzman and Fink, 1985
- Serrabrycon - Vari, 1986
- Serrapinnus - Malabarba, 1998
- Serrasalmus - Lacep de, 1803
- Skiotocharax - Presswell, Weitzman and Bergquist, 2000
- Spintherobolus - Eigenmann, 1911
- Stethaprion - Cope, 1870
- Stichonodon - Eigenmann, 1903
- Stygichthys - Brittan and B hlke, 1965
- Tetragonopterus - Cuvier, 1816
- Thayeria - Eigenmann, 1908
- Thrissobrycon - B hlke, 1953
- Tometes - Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Triportheus - Cope, 1872
- Tucanoichthys - G ry and R mer, 1997
- Tyttobrycon - G ry, 1973
- Tyttocharax - Fowler, 1913
- Utiaritichthys - Miranda Ribeiro, 1937
- Xenagoniates - Myers, 1942
- Xenurobrycon - Myers and Miranda Ribeiro, 1945
[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]Kaynakça
[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]- ^ "ITIS". 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Haziran 2022.
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