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Ah! Tanrıçam bölümleri listesi

Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi
(Ah! The Secret of the Queen and the Goddess! sayfasından yönlendirildi)

Bu madde, Ah Tanrıçam'ın tüm bölümlerinin listesidir. Seri; 5 OVA bölümü, bir film, 47 mini-bölüm ve şu an devam etmekte olan 1. ve 2. sezonla beraber 46 tane 25-dakikalık TV bölümünden oluşmaktadır.

Ah! Tanrıçam (Japonca: ああっ女神さまっ - Aa! Megami-sama, İngilizce: Oh My Goddess! veya Ah! My Goddess) ilk olarak "You're a Goddess? (Kimi wa Megami-sama?)" bölümüyle 6 Ocak 2005 tarihinde Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) ve seri devam etti. Birinci sezon 24 bölüm içermesine rağmen Japon DVD'si 25 ve 26. bölümü içererek dağıtıldı. Bu iki bölüm Amerikan DVD'sinde bulunmayacaktı.

İkinci sezon başlığı Ah! Tanrıçam: Herkesin Kanatları Vardır! (Japonca: ああっ女神さまっ それぞれの翼 - Aa! Megami-sama, İngilizce: Ah! My Goddess: Everyone Has Wings) ile 6 Nisan 2006 tarihinde başlayarak, hikâye birinci Sezonun kaldığı yerden devam etti.

Serinin özetleri

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Bazı bölümlerin özetleri spoiler içerebilir.

OVA # İngilizce Başlık İlk gösterim
1 Moonlight And Cherry Blossoms 1993-02-21
Al-götür restoranda sipariş verirken Keiichi Morisato yanlışlıkla Belldandy isimli bir prensesi davet etti. Tek problem, kız Keiichi'nin nerede yaşadığını hesaba katmamıştı.
2 Midsummer Night's Dream 1993-05-21
5 ayın geçtiği sürede Keiichi ve Belldandy birlikte yaşadılar, ve arkadaşlıkları ilerlemedi. Belldandy'nin büyük kardeşi Urd yardım etmek için geldi, ve Keiichi sahile doğru yol gösterdi.
3 Burning Hearts On The Road 1993-09-21
Skuld 2 kız kardeşinden geride yalnız, mutsuz ve yorgundu. Bugların sistemin kontrolünü kaybettği sırada, güneye geldi. Bu sırada, Toshiyuki Aoshima NIT MCC ile bir iddiaya tutuştu.
4 Evergreen Holy Night 1993-12-28
Keiichi ve Belldandy birlikte olunca böceklerin etrafı birbirine kattığını anlayınca Skuls ayrılmaları emreder. Daha da kötüsü, Tanrıça kriz çözülene dek Belldandy'yi yanına çağırmıştır.
5 For The Love Of Goddess 1994-05-17

Keiichi gece gündüz çalışarak Belldandy'ye vadetmiş olduğu yüzüğü elde eder; bu arada Urd ve Skuld krizi çözümlemek için ellerinden gelen her şeyi yaparlar, Belldandy'nin kalabilmesi için.

rowspan=2 width=30px| # İngilizce başlık Japonca başlık İlk
Kanji Latin harfleri
1 Let's Tell Your Fortune 占いしようよ Uranai shiyou yo! 1998-04-06
2 Secret Treasure in the Attic, Part I 屋根裏の秘宝(前編) Yaneura no Hihou (Zenpen) 1998-04-13
3 Secret Treasure in the Attic, Part II 屋根裏の秘宝(後編) Yaneura no Hihou (Kouhen) 1998-04-20
4 Let's Fly in the Sky 空を飛ぼうよ Sora wo Tobou yo 1998-04-27
5 Let's Fly into Space 宇宙を飛ぼうよ Uchuu wo Tobou yo 1998-05-11
6 Slimming Down! Go! スリムでGO! SURIMU de GO! 1998-05-18
7 Gabira, the Giant Monster - The Birth 大怪獣ガビラ 誕生編 Daikaijyuu GABIRA Tanjouhen 1998-05-25
8 Gabira - The Final Battle 大怪獣ガビラ決戦編 Daikaijyuu GABIRA Kessenhen 1998-06-01
9 The Mysterious Can of Food ~誰がために鐘は鳴る~缶詰の謎...? ~ Dare ga Tane ni Kane wa Naru ~ Kanzume no Nazo...? 1998-06-08
10 The Secret of the Diamond ダイヤの秘密~誰がために鐘は鳴る~ Daiya no Himitsu ~ Dare ga Tane ni Kane wa Naru ~ 1998-06-15
11 Gabira - The Strike Back ~誰がために鐘は鳴る~大怪獣ガビラ逆襲編 ~ Dare ga Tane ni Kane ha Naru ~ Daikaijyuu GABIRA Gyakushuuhen 1998-06-22
12 Let's Play Baseball 野球やろうぜ! Yakyuu yarouze! 1998-06-29
13 Urd's Babysitting Adventures ウルドの子守日記 URUDO no Komori Nikki 1998-07-06
14 The Proposal Scheme プロポーズ大作戦ですだ! PUROPOZU Daisakusen desu da! 1998-07-13
15 Welcome, Newlyweds! 新婚さんいらっしゃい!!ですだ! Shinkon-san Irasshai!! desu da! 1998-07-20
16 Phone Me, Darling *電話してダーリン* * DENWA shite DAARIN * 1998-07-27
17 SOS in the Big Snowfield - Part One 大雪原SOS(前編) Daisetsugen SOS (Zenpen) 1998-08-03
18 SOS in the Big Snowfield - Part Two 大雪原SOS(後編) Daisetsugen SOS (Kouhen) 1998-08-10
19 Kitchen Fighters キッチンファイター KICCHIN FAITAA 1998-08-24
20 Gan-chan's Magnificent Days 岩ちゃんの華麗なる日々 Gan-chan no Karei naru Hibi 1998-08-31
21 Ah! My Buddha ああっ!仏さま! Aa! Hotoke-sama! 1998-09-07
22 The Story of Gan-chan: Love Me to the Bone 岩ちゃんの華麗なる日々 Gan-chan no Karei naru Hibi 1998-09-14
23 Let's Form a Band! Side A バンドやろうぜ!A 表 BANDO yarouze! A Omote 1998-09-21
24 Let's Form a Band! Side B バンドやろうぜ!B 表 BANDO yarouze! B Omote 1998-09-28
25 Chu-Hard - Gan-chan's Desperate Situation Chu-Hard - 岩ちゃん絶体絶命 Chu Hard - Gan-chan Zettaizetsumei 1998-10-05
26 Chu-Hard 2 - Descent of the Devil Chu-Hard 2 - 魔王降臨 Chu Hard 2 - Maou Kourin 1998-10-12
27 Pop! Goes the Urd! ウルドでポン! URUDO de PON! 1998-10-19
28 Rainy Day レイニーデイ Rainy Day 1998-10-26
29 Let's Meet in Our Dreams 地球最後の決戦 / 夢で逢いましょう Chikyuu Saigo no Kessen / Yume de Aimashou 1998-11-02
30 Mystery of the Stolen Treasures - Detective Skuld's First Case 名探偵スクルドの事件簿 1 Jo Meitantei SUKURUDO no Jikenbo 1 - Numareta Mitsu no Hihou no Nazo Yukemori Kakusareta Kikenna Wana! 1998-11-09
31 Goddess Love Theater - Goddess Blade 女神愛の劇場 - 女神の剣Goddess Megami Ai no Gekijyou - Megami no Ken GODDESS BLADE 1998-11-16
32 Quick Fix Division of the Temple こちら他力本願寺 Kochira tariki Hongan Tera Uchi Sugu yaru ka 1998-11-30
33 Fishing Journal 釣りバス日誌 Tsuri BASU Nisshi 1998-12-07
34 Give Me Some Servants 我にしもべを Ware ni Shimobe wo 1998-12-14
35 Rules of the Ninja, Volume I 忍びの掟 上の巻 Shinobi no OKITE Ue no Kan 1998-12-21
36 Rules of the Ninja, Volume II 忍びの掟 下の巻 Shinobi no OKITE Shita no Kan 1999-01-04
37 Urd vs. Urd ウルド対ウルド URUDO VS URUDO 1999-01-11
38 Gan-chan Runs for Election "Being Self-Made" Edition 岩ちゃん選挙に立つ 立志編 Gan-chan Senkyo ni Tatsu Risshi Hen 1999-01-18
39 Gan-chan Runs for Election "Times of Change" Edition 岩ちゃん選挙に立つ 風雲編 Gan-chan Senkyo ni Tatsu Fuun Hen 1999-01-25
40 Urd's Ultimate Diet ウルド究極ダイエット URUDO Kyuukyoku DAIETTO 1999-02-01
41 Happy Birthday, Gan-chan ハッピーバースデイ岩ちゃん HAPPI BASUDEI Gan-chan! 1999-02-08
42 Ah! My Average College Student ああ!平凡な大学生! Aa! Heibon na Daigakusei! 1999-02-15
43 This Happens Once In A While こんなこともあるんだね Konna koto mo Arun da ne 1999-02-22
44 Gan-chan the Locomotive 機関車岩ちゃん Kikansha Gan-chan 1999-03-01
45 The Miso Jar 味噌の壺 Miso no Tsubo 1999-03-08
46 Deluxe Game of Life DX人生すごろく DX Jinsei Sugoroku * Eisei Han 1999-03-15
47 Mekimeki High School Memorial めきめきメモリアル Mekimeki Memorial 1999-03-22
48 What'll Happen Next? これからどうなるの? Korekara dounaru no? 1999-03-29
İngilizce başlık Japonca başlık İlk
Kanji Latin harfleri
Ah! My Goddess The Movie 劇場版「ああっ女神さまっ」 Gekijouban Aa! Megamisama! 2000-10-21

Season 1 (2005)

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Dizi No İngilizce başlık Japonca başlık İlk
Kanji Romaji
1x01 You're a Goddess? キミは女神さまっ? Kimi wa Megami-sama? 2005-01-06
1x02 Ah! Can the One Who Believes be Saved? ああっ信じる者は救われるっ? Aa! Shinjiru Mono ha Tsuwareru 2005-01-13
1x03 Ah! Studying, My Family, and a Goddess! ああっ修行と我が家と女神さまっ Aa! Shuugyou to Wagake to Megami-sama! 2005-01-20
1x04 Ah! The Queen and the Goddess! ああっ女王さまと女神さまっ Ah! Joou-sama to Megami-sama! 2005-01-27
1x05 Ah! Living under one roof! ああっひとつ屋根の下でっ Aa! Hitotsu Yane no Shita de! 2005-02-03
1x06 Ah! Unexpectedly finding something blessed? ああっ掘り出しものに恵アリっ? Aa! Hori Dashi Mono ni Megumi Ari? 2005-02-10
1x07 Ah! A place to express your feelings! ああっ想い伝える場所っ Aa! Omoi tsutaeru bashou! 2005-02-17
1x08 Ah! Taking An Examination of Love, Starting with A Deviation Value of 30! ああっ偏差値30からの恋愛受験っ Aa! Hensatsuchi Sanjuu kara no Renai Juken! 2005-02-24
1x09 Ah! The Secret of the Queen and the Goddess! ああっ女王さまと女神のヒミツっ Aa! Joou-sama to Megami no Himitsu! 2005-03-03
1x10 Ah! Will the Auto Club Win? ああっ自動車部は勝てますかっ? Aa! Jidoushabu wa Katemasuka? 2005-03-10
1x11 Ah! A Demon has Come and is Creating Calamity! ああっ悪魔が来たりて災いを成すっ Aa! Akuma ga Kitarite Wazawai wo Nasu! 2005-03-17
1x12 Ah! Compare and Contrast Goddesses and Queens? ああっ女神と女王を天秤にかけてっ? Aa! Megumi to Joou wo Tenbin ni Kakete? 2005-03-24
1x12.5 Ah! An Exchange Diary with the Goddess?
(Recap Episode)
ああっ女神と交換日記っ? Aa! Megami to Koukan Nikki? 2005-03-31
1x13 Ah! Who Does Onee-sama Belong To? ああっお姉さまっは誰のモノっ? Aa! Onee-sama wa Dare no Mono? 2005-04-07
1x14 Ah! Teaching Practice By the Name of Confrontation! ああっ対決という名の教育実習っ? Aa! Taiketsu To Iu Na No Kyouiku Jisshuu! 2005-04-14
1x15 Ah! My Heart Was Stolen By a Goddess! ああっ女神に心奪われてっ Aa! Megumi ni Kokoro Ubawarete! 2005-04-21
1x16 Ah! Catastrophe Arrives. An Auspicious Sign Stands? ああっ災い来たりて茶柱立つっ? Aa! Wazawai Kitari te Chabashira Tsu? 2005-04-28
1x17 Ah! What are ability and effort? ああっ才能と努力って何ですかっ? Aa! Sainou to Doryoku Te, Nan Desu Ka? 2005-05-05
1x18 Ah! Fated Confession in the Moonlight? ああっ運命の告白は月の下でっ? Aa! Unmei no Kokuhaku wa Tsuki no Shita de? 2005-05-12
1x19 Ah! Don't Gaze At Me With Those Eyes? ああっそんな瞳でみつめないでっ? Aa! Sonna Hitomi de Mitsumenaide? 2005-05-19
1x20 Ah! Save the Goddess, If You're a Man!? ああっ女神を救えっオトコならっ? Aa! Megami wo Sukue! Otoko Nara!? 2005-05-26
1x21 Ah! The One I Yearn For Is A White-Winged Angel! ああっ憧れは白い翼の天使っ Aa! Akogare wa Shiroi Tsubasa no Tenshi! 2005-06-02
1x22 Ah! A Devil's Whisper, Along With A Pot? ああっ悪魔のささやきは壺と共にっ? Aa! Akuma no Sasayaki wa Tsubo to Tomo ni? 2005-06-16
1x23 Ah! The Savior, Together With the Sound of a Flute? ああっ救世主は笛の音と共にっ? Aa! Kyuuseishu wa Fue no Oto to Tomo Ni? 2005-06-23
1x24 Ah! Always With You? ああっいつもキミと共にっ? Aa! Itsumo Kimi to Tomo ni? 2005-07-07
1x25 Ah! Urd's Small Love Story? ああっウルドの小さな恋物語っ Aa? Urd no Chiisana Koi Monogata? 2005-12-23
1x26 Ah! Being an Adult is Heart-Throbbing? ああっドキドキは大人の味っ? Aa! Doki Doki ha Otona no Aji? 2005-12-23

Season 2 (2006) - Ah! My Goddess: Everyone Has Wings

[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Dizi No İngilizce başlık Japonca başlık İlk
Kanji Latin harfleri
2x01 Ah! Wish, One More Time! ああっ願いよ もう一度っ Aa! Negai yo, mou ichido! 2006-04-06
2x02 Ah! The Troubled Queen of Vengeance? ああっ悩める復讐の女王さまっ Aa! Nayameru fukushuu no Joou-sama? 2006-04-13
2x03 Ah! I Offer You This Feeling on Christmas Eve! ああっ聖夜に捧げるこの想いっ! Aa! Seiya ni sasageru kono omoi! 2006-04-20
2x04 Ah! I Want the World to be Filled with Happiness? ああっ世界を幸で満たしたいっ Aa! Sekai o kou de mitashitai? 2006-04-27
2x05 Ah! The Wavelength That Captivates Love? ああっ惹かれあう恋の波長っ Aa! Hikare au koi no hachou? 2006-05-04
2x06 Ah! Is That Jealousy!? ああっそれって嫉妬っ!? Aa! Sorette shitto!? 2006-05-11
2x07 Ah! I Will Fulfill Your Wish! ああっ貴方の望み叶えますわっ Aa! Anata no nozomi kanaemasu wa! 2006-05-18
2x08 Ah! I Want to Be of Help to You! ああっあなたの役に立ちたくてっ Aa! Anata no yakunitachitakute! 2006-05-25
2x09 Ah! The Goddesses Decide the Victory With a Date! ああっ女神はデートで勝負っ Aa! Megami ha deeto de shoubu! 2006-06-01
2x10 Ah! That One Word I Can't Get Myself to Say! ああっそのひとことが言えなくてっ Aa! Sono hitokoto ga ienakute! 2006-06-08
2x11 Ah! Grab Your Dream With That Hand! ああっその手で夢をつかまえてっ Aa! Sonotede yume o tsukamaete! 2006-06-15
2x12 Ah! The Tears of a Goddess and His Dream! ああっ女神の涙と彼の夢っ Aa! Megami no namida to kare no yume! 2006-06-22
2x13 Ah! Wake Up! That Feeling! ああっ目覚めてっ!その気持ちっ Aa! Mezame te?! Sono kimochi chi? 2006-06-29
2x14 Ah! My Dear Cupid! ああっ愛しき私のキューピットっ Aa! Itoshiki watashi no kyuupitto? 2006-07-06
2x15 Ah! Myself: the Goddess and the Demon? ああっ女神と悪魔の私っ? Aa! Megami to akuma no watashi? 2006-07-13
2x16 Ah! Not Fearing the Darkness, Shine Brightly! ああっ闇を恐れず輝いてっ Aa! Yami o osore zu kagayai te? 2006-07-20
2x17 Ah! The Advent of the Great Demon Leader! ああっ大魔界長さまっ降臨っ Aa! Ddai makai chou sa makkourin? 2006-07-27
2x18 Ah! Do Demons Have Dignity? ああっ魔属の威信はありますかっ? Aa! Ma shoku no ishin ha ari masu ka? 2006-08-03
2x19 ああっ女神の愛はシノビを救うっ Aa! Megami no ai ha shinobi o sukuu? 2006-08-10
2x20 ああっどんな場所でも二人ならっ Aa! Fonna basho de mo ni nin nara! 2006-08-31
2x21 ああっ私が魔属でもいいですかっ? Aa! Watashi ga ma shoku demo ii de suka? 2006-09-07
2x22 ああっ女神の告白っ Aa! Megami no kokuhaku? 2006-09-14

Dış bağlantılar

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