Şablon:Harvard alıntı
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Harvard citation templates
[kaynağı değiştir]The templates for using Harvard citations are:
- {{Harvard citation}} or {{harv}} for a basic Harvard citation
- {{Harvard citation no brackets}} or {{harvnb}} for a Harvard citation with no brackets
- {{Harvard citation text}} or {{harvtxt}} for a Harvard citation with the name outside the brackets
- {{Harvard citations}} or {{harvs}} for multiple Harvard citations and other more complicated features.
- {{citation}} for formatting the reference.
This page describes the first 3; for the others see their documentation pages.
[kaynağı değiştir]- {{Harvard alıntı |Yazar(lar)ın soyad(lar)ı|Yıl| loc = Metindeki yeri}}
loc parametresi yerine aşağıdaki parametrelerden birini de kullanabilirsiniz:
- p = page
- pp = pages
- Notlar
- Harv kısaltması kullanılabilir.
- İlk parametre yazarın soyadıdır.
- Dört taneye kadar yazar parametre olarak girilebilir (örneklere bakınız). Eğer dörtten fazla yazar varsa, sadece ilk dördüne yer verilmelidir; daha fazla girdide bulunulması garip şeylere yol açabilir.
- Bir sonraki parametre basım/yayım yılıdır.
- Yıl ve yazar ad(lar)ı önlerinde veya arkalarında ekstra boşluğa sahip olmamalıdırlar; yoksa bağlantılarda sorun oluşur ve çalışmaz.
- "loc = " parametresi ile kasıt alıntılanan materyalin kaynakta bulunduğu yerdir. Bu parametre tercihe/isteğe bağlıdır.
- p parametresi yine tercihe bağlı sayfa parametresidir; yani "{{Harv|Smith|2006| p=25}}" şuna yol açar: "Smith 2006, s. 25".
- pp parametresi ise yine tercihe bağlı sayfa aralığı parametresidir;yani "{{Harv|Smith|2006| pp=25–26}}" şuna yol açar: "Smith 2006, ss. 25–26".
- Eğer Ref=none ise, sayfalar arası bağlantı (hiperlink) oluşmaz.
Bu şablonda değişiklik yapan editörlerin diğer versiyonlara paralel değişiklikler yapmaları önemle rica olunur.
[kaynağı değiştir]Kod Sonuç {{Harv |Smith|2006| loc=§8.5}} Smith 2006, §8.5 {{Harv |Smith|2006| p=25}} Smith 2006, s. 25 {{Harv |Smith|2006| pp=25–26}} Smith 2006, ss. 25–26 {{Harv |Smith|2006| pp=25–26 | Ref=none}} Smith 2006, ss. 25–26 {{Harv |Smith|Jones|2006| p=25}} Smith & Jones 2006, s. 25 {{Harv |Smith|Jones|Brown|2006| p=25}} Smith, Jones & Brown 2006, s. 25 {{Harv |Smith|Jones|Brown|Black|2006| p=25}} Smith et al. 2006, s. 25 {{Harvnb |Smith|2006| p=25}} Smith 2006, s. 25 {{Harvtxt |Smith|2006| p=25}} Smith (2006, s. 25)
Recommended style
[kaynağı değiştir]The recommended Harvard referencing style potentially uses all four templates. Each automatically generates a hypertext link based on the name(s) and date. Here is an example
- Markup
- Some works on gravitation are so massive they warp spacetime themselves {{Harv|Misner|Thorne|Wheeler|1973}}; yet {{Harvtxt|Einstein|1915}} presented essential equations with notable brevity. The essential ingredients are the curvature tensor and the stress-energy tensor ({{Harvnb|Einstein|1915|loc=p. 844}}; {{Harvnb|Misner|Thorne|Wheeler|1973|loc=p. 41}}).
- Result
- Some works on gravitation are so massive they warp spacetime themselves Misner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973; yet Einstein (1915) presented essential equations with notable brevity. The two ingredients are the curvature tensor and the stress-energy tensor (Einstein 1915, p. 844; Misner, Thorne & Wheeler 1973, p. 41).
In short:
- For a single work with no author in the text (the most common case), use {{Harv}}.
- For a single work with the author named in the text, use {{Harvtxt}}.
- For multiple works at the same point, use explicit parentheses and {{Harvnb}} separated by semicolons.
- For anything more complicated use {{Harvs}}.
[kaynağı değiştir]More exotic Harvard citations can be constructed using the {{harvs}} template. If even this is not enough, then as a last resort one can use #CITEREF as in the following example:
- [[Property (T)]] was introduced by [[David Kazhdan]] ([[Property T#CITEREFKazhdan1967|1967]]).
which produces
- Property (T) was introduced by David Kazhdan (1967)
with a link to the author, and a link to a citation on a different page. #CITEREF should be followed by the last names of up to 4 authors and the year (with no spaces), and if the link is to a different page it should be preceded by the name of the page (with spaces allowed). The citation template marks the reference using #CITEREF; see the source of Şablon:Kaynak/iç for details.
Use with {{Kaynak}}
[kaynağı değiştir]The {{Kaynak}} template can be used to format the citations in the References section.
Links from the Harvard citation to the Citation are provided using a #CITEREF
link. The {{Harvard citation}} template creates a link #CITEREF
followed by the concatenation of the author names and the year. {{Citation}} creates an anchor <a name="CITEREF"></a>
followed by the concatenation of the following parameters:
- last or last1 or surname or surname1 or author or author1 or authors,
- last2 or surname2 or author2,
- last3 or surname3 or author3,
- last4 or surname4 or author4,
- editor-last or editor-surname or editor1-last or editor1-surname or editor or editors,
- editor2-last or editor2-surname,
- editor3-last or editor3-surname,
- editor4-last or editor4-surname,
- year or date.
For example {{Harv|Smith|2006| p=25}} produces a link #CITEREFSmith2006
and {{Kaynak|last=Smith|first=John|year=2006|title=My Life}}
produces an anchor CITEREFSmith2006
[kaynağı değiştir]- Smith, John (2006), My Life
- Smith, John; Jones, Jack (2006), Our life together
- Smith; Jones; Brown (2006), Three's a crowd
- Smith; Jones; Brown; Black (2006), All together now
- Misner, Charles W.; Thorne, Kip S.; Wheeler, John Archibald (September 1973), Gravitation, San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, ISBN 0-7167-0344-0
- Einstein, Albert (1915), "Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation (The Field Equations of Gravitation)", Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ss. 844–847