İçeriğe atla


Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

This graph's main version resides at mw:Template:Graph:Stacked. Please make or suggest all the changes there, and copy it everywhere else (until the copying is automated)


| table=Bea.gov/GDP by state.tab
| type=year | xField=year | barwidth=14
| series="TX","NY","CA"
| title=Per state GDP


| table=Bea.gov/GDP by state.tab
| type=year | xField=year | legend=States
| series="TX","NY","CA"
| title=Per state GDP

See or edit source data.
See or edit source data.
| tabletype=query | table=
SELECT ?decade (COUNT(?decade) AS ?count) WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 .
  ?item wdt:P571 ?inception .
  BIND( year(?inception) as ?year ). 
  BIND( ROUND(?year/10)*10 as ?decade ) .
  FILTER( ?year > 1400)
} GROUP BY ?decade ORDER BY ?decade

| series="count" | type=year | xField=decade
| title=Paintings by decade

| tabletype=query | table=
SELECT   ?year  (COUNT(?_genre) AS ?count ) (SAMPLE(?_genreLabel) AS ?label ) WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q11424.
  ?item wdt:P577 ?_publication_date.
  ?item wdt:P136 ?_genre.
  ?_genre rdfs:label ?_genreLabel.
  BIND(str(YEAR(?_publication_date)) AS ?year)
  FILTER((LANG(?_genreLabel)) = "en")
 FILTER (?_publication_date >= "2000-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime)
GROUP BY ?_genreLabel ?year
HAVING (?count > 30)

| type=year | xField=year | group=label | value=count | legend=-
| title=Number of films by year and genre
| xGrid=y | yGrid=y | colors="category20" | height=460 | barwidth=16

This graph draws one or more independent numeric data series as either bar or area slices, stacked one on top of the other. The data must be stored on Commons' Data namespace or come from Wikidata Query Service.

Şablon parametreleri[Şablon veriyi değiştir]

Table typetabletype

Specifies the type of the table data. "tab" (default) uses data namespace on commons, without the data: prefix. "query" sends request to wikidata query service.

Dizeisteğe bağlı

Data page name on Commons, without the Data: prefix. The table should contain xField column, like year or date, and one or more series columns to plot. If tabletype parameter is set to "query", this value is the query

X axis typetype

Type of the x axis - time (e.g. "2015-10" or "2013-03-08), year (integer, but treated as a year), linear (numbers), ordinal (anything)

X fieldxField

Id of the data column that contains values for the X axis. If type=year, xField is also "year" by default.


If each slice is represented by a separate column of data (or if there is only one column), list of the data columns to show as lines. Must be in quotes, and listed by field IDs if coming from a .tab page: "field1", "field2", "field3".

Dizeisteğe bağlı

If slice color depends on just one column, specify that column's ID, instead of the series parameter.

Dizeisteğe bağlı

If slice color depends on one column, this parameter should be set to the column which has the values

Dizeisteğe bağlı

Optionally filter data with an template expression parameter e.g. `filter = datum.some_dataset_field > 1900 && datum.some_dataset_field < 2000` where `some_dataset_field` means some valid field of displayed dataset

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Bar widthbarwidth

If set, show graph with bars instead of areas. If set, must be either an integer pixel width of the bars, or when type=ordinal, can also be set to 'auto'

Dizeisteğe bağlı
X axis starts at 0xZero, xAxisZero

Force to start or not to start X axis with zero. Can be either true or false

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Y axis zero starts at 0yZero, yAxisZero

Force to start or not to start Y axis with zero. Can be either true or false

Dizeisteğe bağlı
X axis scale clampxAxisClamp

açıklama yok

Booleisteğe bağlı
Y axis scale clampyAxisClamp

açıklama yok

Booleisteğe bağlı
X axis minimumxMin, xAxisMin

Force X axis to start from this value

Bilinmiyoristeğe bağlı
X axis maximumxMax, xAxisMax

Force X axis to end with this value

Bilinmiyoristeğe bağlı
Y axis minimumyMin, yAxisMin

Force Y axis to start from this value

Bilinmiyoristeğe bağlı
Y axis maximumyMax, yAxisMin

Force Y axis to end with this value

Bilinmiyoristeğe bağlı

Title of the whole graph

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Title horizontal alignmenttitleXAlign

Horizontal alignment of title, could be one of: left, center, right

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Title horizontal offsettitleXOffset

Horizontal offset of title position, could be negative, to shift title to the left, or positive to shift title to the right

Sayıisteğe bağlı
X axis titlexAxis, xAxisTitle

Title of the X axis

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Y axis titleyAxis, yAxisTitle

Title of the Y axis

Dizeisteğe bağlı
X axis labels anglexAxisAngle

Rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle. Recommended values are: -45, +45, -90, +90.

Sayıisteğe bağlı
Y axis labels angleyAxisAngle

Rotates the y axis labels by the specified angle.

Sayıisteğe bağlı
X axis labels font sizexAxisFontSize

açıklama yok

Sayıisteğe bağlı
Y axis labels font sizeyAxisFontSize

açıklama yok

Sayıisteğe bağlı
X axis gridxGrid

Show grid lines for X axis

Booleisteğe bağlı
Y axis gridyGrid

Show grid lines for Y axis

Booleisteğe bağlı
X axis ticksxTicks, xAxisTicks

How many ticks to show on X axis. 7 by default. '-' value makes it automatic.

Sayıisteğe bağlı
Y axis ticksyTicks, yAxisTicks

How many ticks to show on Y axis. Auto '-' by default.

Sayıisteğe bağlı
Raw vertical annotation valuesvAnnotationsValues

Supply all annotation values as a list of JSON objects: {"text": "Big event", "x": 1980}, ...

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Raw horizontal annotation valueshAnnotationsValues

Supply all horizontal annotation values as a list of JSON objects: {"text":"Big event", "y": 980}, ...

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Vertical annotation tablevAnnotationsTable

Data page name on Commons, without the Data: prefix. The table must contain "x" column, and optional "text" and "color" columns.

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Horizontal annotation tablehAnnotationsTable

Data page name on Commons, without the Data: prefix. The table must contain "y" column, and optional "text" and "color" columns.

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Vertical annotation data transformsvAnnotationsTransforms

açıklama yok

Dizeisteğe bağlı
Horizontal annotation data transformshAnnotationsTransforms

açıklama yok

Dizeisteğe bağlı

Title of the legend

Dizeisteğe bağlı

açıklama yok

Sayıisteğe bağlı

açıklama yok

Sayıisteğe bağlı
Chart sizing modechartSizing

Chart sizing mode, could be one of: fit, pad. Vega default mode is `pad`. Use `fit` to force resulting chart canvas sizes to be exactly equal to provided width and height values. Use `pad` (or omit this parameter at all) to define prefered plotting size with provided width and height values, and let Vega increase overall chart size to include legend and title (if any)

Dizeisteğe bağlı

The colors of the areas or bars, specified as Vega defined rangeliteral. This can also be a list like colors = [ "red", "green" ] or simply colors = red, green

Dizeisteğe bağlı

if set, will show graph as raw JSON

Dizeisteğe bağlı

Edit parameter translations