İçeriğe atla


Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi

Not: Sayfayı kaydettikten sonra değişiklikleri görebilmek için tarayıcınızın önbelleğinizi temizlemeniz gerekir. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge ve Safari: ⇧ Shift tuşuna basılı tutun ve Yeniden Yükle araç çubuğu düğmesine tıklayın. Ayrıntılar ve diğer tarayıcılara yönelik yönergeler için Vikipedi:Önbelleğinizi atlayın sayfasını inceleyin.



//Betik en.wiki 'den  şablon aktarılmasını gerektiriyor.
 *** twinklewarn.js: Warn module //Uyarı betiği 
 * Mode of invocation:     Tab ("Warn")
 * Active on:              User talk pages //Mesaj sayfalarında aktif
 * Config directives in:   TwinkleConfig

Twinkle.warn = function twinklewarn() {
	if( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 ) {
			Twinkle.addPortletLink( Twinkle.warn.callback, "Uyar", "tw-warn", "Kullanıcıyı uyar" );

	// modify URL of talk page on rollback success pages
	if( mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'rollback' ) {
		var $vandalTalkLink = $("#mw-rollback-success").find(".mw-usertoollinks a").first();
		$vandalTalkLink.css("font-weight", "bold");  //title çevirisi kararsız
		$vandalTalkLink.wrapInner($("<span/>").attr("title", "Bu sayfadaki değişiklikler için kullanıcıları uyarabilirsin."));

		var extraParam = "vanarticle=" + mw.util.rawurlencode(Morebits.pageNameNorm);
		var href = $vandalTalkLink.attr("href");
		if (href && href.indexOf("?") === -1) {
			$vandalTalkLink.attr("href", href + "?" + extraParam);
		} else {
			$vandalTalkLink.attr("href", href + "&" + extraParam);

Twinkle.warn.callback = function twinklewarnCallback() {
	if( mw.config.get('wgTitle').split( '/' )[0] === mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&
			!confirm( 'Kendini uyarmak üzeresin. Devam etmek istediğine emin misin?' ) ) {

	var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 600, 440 );
	Window.setTitle( "Kullanıcıyı uyar" );
	Window.setScriptName( "Twinkle" );
	Window.addFooterLink( "Uyarı seviyesi seçme", "WP:UWUL#Levels" ); // WP:UWUL#Levels için karşılık yok**********
	Window.addFooterLink( "Twinkle yardım", "VP:TW" );//karşılığı yok

	var form = new Morebits.quickForm( Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate );
	var main_select = form.append( {
			type: 'field',
			label: 'Kullanmak için bir uyarı tipi seç',
			tooltip: 'Öncelikle ana uyarı grubu seç, sonra yayınlamak için daha özel bir uyarı seç.'
		} );

	var main_group = main_select.append( {
			type: 'select',
			name: 'main_group',
		} );

	var defaultGroup = parseInt(Twinkle.getPref('defaultWarningGroup'), 10);
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '1: Genel not', value: 'level1', selected: defaultGroup === 1 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '2: Dikkat', value: 'level2', selected: defaultGroup === 2 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '3: Uyarı', value: 'level3', selected: defaultGroup === 3 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4: Son Uyarı', value: 'level4', selected: defaultGroup === 4 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: '4im: Sadece uyarı', value: 'level4im', selected: defaultGroup === 5 });
	if (Twinkle.getPref('combinedSingletMenus')) {
		main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Tek-sorunsorun mesajları', value: 'singlecombined', selected: defaultGroup === 6 || defaultGroup === 7 });
	} else {
		main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Tek-sorun bildirimleri', value: 'singlenotice', selected: defaultGroup === 6 });
		main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Tek-sorun uyarıları', value: 'singlewarn', selected: defaultGroup === 7 });
	if (Twinkle.getPref('customWarningList').length) {
		main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Özel uyarılar', value: 'custom', selected: defaultGroup === 9 });
	main_group.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Tüm uyarı şablonları', value: 'kitchensink', selected: defaultGroup === 10 });

	main_select.append({ type: 'select', name: 'sub_group', event: Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory }); // Will be empty to begin with.

	form.append( {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'article',
			label: 'Alakalı madde',
			value:( Morebits.queryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) ? Morebits.queryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) : '' ),
			tooltip: 'Bir madde bildiri ile alakalı olabilir, belki de bir geri alınan bir sayfa buraya yönlendirdi. İlişkili madde yoksa boş bırakın.'
		} );

	var more = form.append( { type: 'field', name: 'reasonGroup', label: 'Uyarı bilgisi' } );
	more.append( { type: 'textarea', label: 'İsteğe bağlı mesaj:', name: 'reason', tooltip: 'Uyarıya eklenmesi gereken bir mesaj (varsa)' } );

	var previewlink = document.createElement( 'a' );
		Twinkle.warn.callbacks.preview(result);  // |result| is defined below
	previewlink.style.cursor = "pointer";
	previewlink.textContent = 'Önizleme';
	more.append( { type: 'div', id: 'warningpreview', label: [ previewlink ] } );
	more.append( { type: 'div', id: 'twinklewarn-previewbox', style: 'display: none' } );

	more.append( { type: 'submit', label: 'Gönder' } );

	var result = form.render();
	Window.setContent( result );
	result.main_group.root = result;
	result.previewer = new Morebits.wiki.preview($(result).find('div#twinklewarn-previewbox').last()[0]);

	// We must init the first choice (General Note);
	var evt = document.createEvent( "Event" );
	evt.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
	result.main_group.dispatchEvent( evt );

// This is all the messages that might be dispatched by the code
// Each of the individual templates require the following information:
//   label (required): A short description displayed in the dialog
//   summary (required): The edit summary used. If an article name is entered, the summary is postfixed with "on [[article]]", and it is always postfixed with ". $summaryAd"
//   suppressArticleInSummary (optional): Set to true to suppress showing the article name in the edit summary. Useful if the warning relates to attack pages, or some such.
Twinkle.warn.messages = {
	level1: {
		"Genel uyarılar": {
			"ku-vandalizm1": {
				label: "Vandalizm",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Yapıcı olmayan değişiklik"
			"ku-yıkıcı1": {
				label: "Yıkıcı değişiklik",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Yapıcı olmayan değişiklik"
			"ku-deneme1": {
				label: "Deneme amaçlı değişiklik",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Deneme amaçlı değişiklik"
			"ku-silme1": {
				label: "İçerik silme",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: İçerik silme"
		"Madde içi davranışsal hatalar": {
			"ku-biyo1": {
				label: "Yaşayan insan biyografisine kaynaksız bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Yaşayan insan biyografisine kaynaksız bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-yıpratıcı1": {
				label: "Yıpratıcı içerik eklenmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Yıpratıcı içerik eklenmesi"
			"ku-hatalı1": {
				label: "Kasıtlı hatalı bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Kasıtlı hatalı bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-üslup": {//çevirisi gelişebilir
				label: "Fikir birliği veya kaynak olmadan sık/toplu üslup değişikliği",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Fikir birliği veya kaynak olmadan sık/toplu üslup değişikliği"
			"ku-resim1": {
				label: "Madde içi resim kaynaklı vandalizm",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Madde içi resim kaynaklı vandalizm"
			"ku-şaka1": {
				label: "Maddelerde şaka amaçlı değişiklik",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Maddelerde şaka amaçlı değişiklik"
			"ku-özgün1": {
				label: "Özgün araştırma içeren bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Genel not: Özgün araştırma içeren bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-sansür1": {
				label: "Madde içeriğinin sansürlenmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Madde içeriğinin sansürlenmesi"
			"ku-mülk1": {
				label: "Maddelerin mülkiyeti",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Maddelerin mülkiyeti"
			"ku-şsil": {
				label: "Bakım şablonlarının çıkarılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Bakım şablonlarının çıkarılması"
			"ku-kaynaksız1": {
				label: "Kaynaksız bilgi ekleme veya hatalı kaynak gösterme",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Kaynaksız bilgi ekleme veya hatalı kaynak gösterme"
		"Reklam ve spam": {
			"ku-tanıtım1": {
				label: "Vikipedi'nin tanıtım amaçlı kullanılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Vikipedi'nin tanıtım amaçlı kullanılması"
			"ku-tba1": {
				label: "Tarafsız bakış açısı ihlali",
				summary: "Genel uyarı:Tarafsız bakış açısı ihlali"
			"ku-spam1": {
				label: "Spam bağlantı eklenmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Spam bağlantı eklenmesi"
		"Diğer kullanıcılara yönelik davranışlar": {
			"ku-inv1": {
				label: "İyi niyet varsayımı ihlali",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: İyi niyet varsayımı ihlali"
			"ku-taciz1": {
				label: "Diğer kullanıcıların taciz edilmesi",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Diğer kullanıcıların taciz edilmesi"
			"ku-nzkt1": {
				label: "Belirli bir kullanıcıya kişisel saldırı",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Belirli bir kullanıcıya kişisel saldırı"
			"ku-şabist1": {
				label: "Kullanıcı uyarı şablonlarının uygunsuz kullanımı",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Kullanıcı uyarı şablonlarının uygunsuz kullanımı"
		"Silme şablonlarının kaldırılması": {
			"ku-sas1": {
				label: "{{sas}} şablonunun kaldırılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: {{sas}} şablonunun kaldırılması"
			"ku-yibbs1": {
				label: "Yaşayan insan biyografilerinden {{bekletmeli sil}} şablonunun çıkarılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Yaşayan insan biyografilerinden {{bekletmeli sil}} şablonunun çıkarılması"
			"ku-dsş1": {
				label: "Dosyalardan silme etiketinin kaldırılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Dosyalardan silme etiketinin kaldırılması"
			"ku-hızlısilş1": {
				label: "Hızlı sil şablonunu çıkarılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Hızlı sil şablonunu çıkarılması"
		"Diğer": {
			"ku-sohbet1": {
				label: "Tartışma sayfasının forum gibi kullanılması",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Tartışma sayfasının forum gibi kullanılması"
			"ku-oluştur1": {
				label: "Uygunsuz sayfa oluşturma",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Uygunsuz sayfa oluşturma"
			"ku-bek1": {
				label: "Biçem el kitabı",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Biçem el kitabı ihlali"
			"ku-taşıma1": {
				label: "Fikir birliği olmaksızın sayfa taşıma",
				summary: "Genel uyarı: Fikir birliği olmaksızın sayfa taşıma"
			"ku-tsv1": {
				label: "Tartışma sayfasındaki yorumların değiştirilmesi",
				summary: "Genl uyarı: Tartışma sayfasındaki yorumların değiştirilmesi"
			"uw-upload1": {// Silinebilir (aktif kullanılan bir şablon değil)
				label: "Uploading unencyclopedic images",
				summary: "General note: Uploading unencyclopedic images"
		"To be removed from Twinkle": {
			"uw-redirect1": {
				label: "Creating malicious redirects",
				summary: "General note: Creating malicious redirects"
			"uw-ics1": {
				label: "Uploading files missing copyright status",
				summary: "General note: Uploading files missing copyright status"
			"uw-af1": {
				label: "Inappropriate feedback through the Article Feedback Tool",
				summary: "General note: Inappropriate feedback through the Article Feedback Tool"

	level2: {
		"Genel uyarılar": {
			"ku-vandalizm2": {
				label: "Vandalizm",
				summary: "Uyarı: Yapıcı olmayan değişiklik"
			"ku-yıkıcı2": {
				label: "Yıkıcı değişiklik",
				summary: "Uyarı: Yıkıcı değişiklik"
			"ku-deneme2": {
				label: "Değişiklik denemesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Değişilik denemesi"
			"ku-silme2": {
				label: "İçerik silme, boşaltma",
				summary: "Uyarı: İçerik silme, boşaltma"
		"Madde içi davranışssal hatalar": {
			"ku-biyo2": {
				label: "Yaşayan insan biyografisine kaynaksız, tartışmalı bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Yaşayan insan biyografisine kaynaksız, tartışmalı bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-yıpratıcı2": {
				label: "Yıpratıcı içerik eklenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Yıpratıcı içerik eklenmesi"
			"ku-hatalı2": {
				label: "Kasıtlı hatalı bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Kasıtlı hatalı bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-üslup2": {
				label: "Fikir birliği veya kaynak olmadan sık/toplu üslup değişikliği",
				summary: "Uyarı: Fikir birliği veya kaynak olmadan sık/toplu üslup değişikliği"
			"ku-resim2": {
				label: "Madde içi resim kaynaklı vandalizm",
				summary: "Uyarı: Madde içi resim kaynaklı vandalizm"
			"ku-şaka2": {
				label: "Maddelerde şaka amaçlı değişiklik",
				summary: "Uyarı: Maddelerde şaka amaçlı değişiklik"
			"ku-özgün2": {
				label: "Özgün araştırma içeren bilgi eklenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Özgün araştırma içeren bilgi eklenmesi"
			"ku-sansür2": {
				label: "Madde içeriğinin sansürlenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Madde içeriğinin sansürlenmesi"
			"ku-mülk2": {
				label: "Maddelerin mülkiyeti",
				summary: "Uyarı: Maddelerin mülkiyeti"
			"ku-şsil2": {
				label: "Bakım şablonlarının çıkarılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: Bakım şablonlarının çıkarılması"
			"ku-kaynaksız2": {
				label: "Kaynaksız bilgi ekleme veya hatalı kaynak gösterme",
				summary: "Uyarı: Kaynaksız bilgi ekleme veya hatalı kaynak gösterme"
		"Reklam ve spam": {
			"ku-tanıtım2": {
				label: "Vikipedi'nin tanıtım amaçlı kullanılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: Vikipedi'nin tanıtım amaçlı kullanılması"
			"ku-tba2": {
				label: "Tarafsız bakış açısı ihlali",
				summary: "Uyarı: Tarafsız bakış açısı ihlali"
			"ku-spam2": {
				label: "Spam bağlantı eklenmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Spam bağlantı eklenmesi"
		"Diğer kullanıcılara yönelik davranışlar": {
			"ku-inv2": {
				label: "İyi niyet varsayımı ihlali",
				summary: "Uyarı: İyi niyet varsayımı ihlali"
			"ku-taciz2": {
				label: "Diğer kullanıcıların taciz edilmesi",
				summary: "Uyarı: Diğer kullanıcıların taciz edilmesi"
			"ku-nzkt2": {
				label: "Belirli bir kullanıcıya kişisel saldırı",
				summary: "Uyarı: Belirli bir kullanıcıya kişisel saldırı"
			"ku-şabist2": {
				label: "Kullanıcı uyarı şablonlarının uygunsuz kullanımı",
				summary: "Uyarı: Kullanıcı uyarı şablonlarının uygunsuz kullanımı"
		"Silme şablonlarının kaldırılması": {
			"ku-sas2": {
				label: "{{sas}} şablonunun kaldırılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: {{sas}} şablonunun kaldırılması"
			"ku-yibbs2": {
				label: "Yaşayan insan biyografilerinden {{bekletmeli sil}} şablonunun çıkarılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: Yaşayan insan biyografilerinden {{bekletmeli sil}} şablonunun çıkarılması"
			"ku-dsş2": {
				label: "Dosyalardan silme etiketinin kaldırılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: Dosyalardan silme etiketinin kaldırılması"
			"ku-hızlısilş2": {
				label: "Hızlı sil şablonunu çıkarılması",
				summary: "Uyarı: Hızlı sil şablonunu çıkarılması"
		"Other": {
			"uw-attempt2": {
				label: "Triggering the edit filter",
				summary: "Caution: Triggering the edit filter"
			"uw-chat2": {
				label: "Using talk page as forum",
				summary: "Caution: Using talk page as forum"
			"uw-create2": {
				label: "Creating inappropriate pages",
				summary: "Caution: Creating inappropriate pages"
			"uw-mos2": {
				label: "Manual of style",
				summary: "Caution: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)"
			"uw-move2": {
				label: "Page moves against naming conventions or consensus",
				summary: "Caution: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus"
			"uw-tpv2": {
				label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
				summary: "Caution: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
			"uw-upload2": {
				label: "Uploading unencyclopedic images",
				summary: "Caution: Uploading unencyclopedic images"
		"To be removed from Twinkle": {
			"uw-redirect2": {
				label: "Creating malicious redirects",
				summary: "Caution: Creating malicious redirects"
			"uw-ics2": {
				label: "Uploading files missing copyright status",
				summary: "Caution: Uploading files missing copyright status"

	level3: {
		"Common warnings": {
			"uw-vandalism3": {
				label: "Vandalism",
				summary: "Warning: Vandalism"
			"uw-disruptive3": {
				label: "Disruptive editing",
				summary: "Warning: Disruptive editing"
			"uw-test3": {
				label: "Editing tests",
				summary: "Warning: Editing tests"
			"uw-delete3": {
				label: "Removal of content, blanking",
				summary: "Warning: Removal of content, blanking"
		"Behavior in articles": {
			"uw-biog3": {
				label: "Adding unreferenced controversial/defamatory information about living persons",
				summary: "Warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons"
			"uw-defam3": {
				label: "Addition of defamatory content",
				summary: "Warning: Addition of defamatory content"
			"uw-error3": {
				label: "Introducing deliberate factual errors",
				summary: "Warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors"
			"uw-genre3": {
				label: "Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference",
				summary: "Warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference"
			"uw-image3": {
				label: "Image-related vandalism in articles",
				summary: "Warning: Image-related vandalism in articles"
			"uw-joke3": {
				label: "Using improper humor in articles",
				summary: "Warning: Using improper humor in articles"
			"uw-nor3": {
				label: "Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources",
				summary: "Warning: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources"
			"uw-notcensored3": {
				label: "Censorship of material",
				summary: "Warning: Censorship of material"
			"uw-own3": {
				label: "Ownership of articles",
				summary: "Warning: Ownership of articles"
			"uw-tdel3": {
				label: "Removal of maintenance templates",
				summary: "Warning: Removal of maintenance templates"
			"uw-unsourced3": {
				label: "Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material",
				summary: "Warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material"
		"Promotions and spam": {
			"uw-advert3": {
				label: "Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion",
				summary: "Warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion"
			"uw-npov3": {
				label: "Not adhering to neutral point of view",
				summary: "Warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view"
			"uw-spam3": {
				label: "Adding spam links",
				summary: "Warning: Adding spam links"
		"Behavior towards other users": {
			"uw-agf3": {
				label: "Not assuming good faith",
				summary: "Warning: Not assuming good faith"
			"uw-harass3": {
				label: "Harassment of other users",
				summary: "Warning: Harassment of other users"
			"uw-npa3": {
				label: "Personal attack directed at a specific editor",
				summary: "Warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor"
		"Removal of deletion tags": {
			"uw-afd3": {
				label: "Removing {{afd}} templates",
				summary: "Warning: Removing {{afd}} templates"
			"uw-blpprod3": {
				label: "Removing {{blpprod}} templates",
				summary: "Warning: Removing {{blpprod}} templates"
			"uw-idt3": {
				label: "Removing file deletion tags",
				summary: "Warning: Removing file deletion tags"
			"uw-speedy3": {
				label: "Removing speedy deletion tags",
				summary: "Warning: Removing speedy deletion tags"
		"Other": {
			"uw-attempt3": {
				label: "Triggering the edit filter",
				summary: "Warning: Triggering the edit filter"
			"uw-chat3": {
				label: "Using talk page as forum",
				summary: "Warning: Using talk page as forum"
			"uw-create3": {
				label: "Creating inappropriate pages",
				summary: "Warning: Creating inappropriate pages"
			"uw-mos3": {
				label: "Manual of style",
				summary: "Warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)"
			"uw-move3": {
				label: "Page moves against naming conventions or consensus",
				summary: "Warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus"
			"uw-tpv3": {
				label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
				summary: "Warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
			"uw-upload3": {
				label: "Uploading unencyclopedic images",
				summary: "Warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images"
		"To be removed fomr Twinkle": {
			"uw-ics3": {
				label: "Uploading files missing copyright status",
				summary: "Warning: Uploading files missing copyright status"
			"uw-redirect3": {
				label: "Creating malicious redirects",
				summary: "Warning: Creating malicious redirects"

	level4: {
		"Common warnings": {
			"uw-generic4": {
				label: "Generic warning (for template series missing level 4)",
				summary: "Final warning notice"
			"uw-vandalism4": {
				label: "Vandalism",
				summary: "Final warning: Vandalism"
			"uw-delete4": {
				label: "Removal of content, blanking",
				summary: "Final warning: Removal of content, blanking"
		"Behavior in articles": {
			"uw-biog4": {
				label: "Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons",
				summary: "Final warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons"
			"uw-defam4": {
				label: "Addition of defamatory content",
				summary: "Final warning: Addition of defamatory content"
			"uw-error4": {
				label: "Introducing deliberate factual errors",
				summary: "Final warning: Introducing deliberate factual errors"
			"uw-genre4": {
				label: "Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference",
				summary: "Final warning: Frequent or mass changes to genres without consensus or reference"
			"uw-image4": {
				label: "Image-related vandalism in articles",
				summary: "Final warning: Image-related vandalism in articles"
			"uw-joke4": {
				label: "Using improper humor in articles",
				summary: "Final warning: Using improper humor in articles"
			"uw-nor4": {
				label: "Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources",
				summary: "Final warning: Adding original research, including unpublished syntheses of sources"
			"uw-tdel4": {
				label: "Removal of maintenance templates",
				summary: "Final warning: Removal of maintenance templates"
			"uw-unsourced4": {
				label: "Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material",
				summary: "Final warning: Addition of unsourced or improperly cited material"
		"Promotions and spam": {
			"uw-advert4": {
				label: "Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion",
				summary: "Final warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion"
			"uw-npov4": {
				label: "Not adhering to neutral point of view",
				summary: "Final warning: Not adhering to neutral point of view"
			"uw-spam4": {
				label: "Adding spam links",
				summary: "Final warning: Adding spam links"
		"Behavior towards other editors": {
			"uw-harass4": {
				label: "Harassment of other users",
				summary: "Final warning: Harassment of other users"
			"uw-npa4": {
				label: "Personal attack directed at a specific editor",
				summary: "Final warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor"
		"Removal of deletion tags": {
			"uw-afd4": {
				label: "Removing {{afd}} templates",
				summary: "Final warning: Removing {{afd}} templates"
			"uw-blpprod4": {
				label: "Removing {{blp prod}} templates",
				summary: "Final warning: Removing {{blp prod}} templates"
			"uw-idt4": {
				label: "Removing file deletion tags",
				summary: "Final warning: Removing file deletion tags"
			"uw-speedy4": {
				label: "Removing speedy deletion tags",
				summary: "Final warning: Removing speedy deletion tags"
		"Other": {
			"uw-attempt4": {
				label: "Triggering the edit filter",
				summary: "Final warning: Triggering the edit filter"
			"uw-chat4": {
				label: "Using talk page as forum",
				summary: "Final warning: Using talk page as forum"
			"uw-create4": {
				label: "Creating inappropriate pages",
				summary: "Final warning: Creating inappropriate pages"
			"uw-mos4": {
				label: "Manual of style",
				summary: "Final warning: Formatting, date, language, etc (Manual of style)"
			"uw-move4": {
				label: "Page moves against naming conventions or consensus",
				summary: "Final warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus"
			"uw-tpv4": {
				label: "Refactoring others' talk page comments",
				summary: "Final warning: Refactoring others' talk page comments"
			"uw-upload4": {
				label: "Uploading unencyclopedic images",
				summary: "Final warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images"
		"To be removed from Twinkle": {
			"uw-redirect4": {
				label: "Creating malicious redirects",
				summary: "Final warning: Creating malicious redirects"
			"uw-ics4": {
				label: "Uploading files missing copyright status",
				summary: "Final warning: Uploading files missing copyright status"

	level4im: {
		"Common warnings": {
			"uw-vandalism4im": {
				label: "Vandalism",
				summary: "Only warning: Vandalism"
			"uw-delete4im": {
				label: "Removal of content, blanking",
				summary: "Only warning: Removal of content, blanking"
		"Behavior in articles": {
			"uw-biog4im": {
				label: "Adding unreferenced defamatory information about living persons",
				summary: "Only warning: Adding unreferenced controversial information about living persons"
			"uw-defam4im": {
				label: "Addition of defamatory content",
				summary: "Only warning: Addition of defamatory content"
			"uw-image4im": {
				label: "Image-related vandalism",
				summary: "Only warning: Image-related vandalism"
			"uw-joke4im": {
				label: "Using improper humor",
				summary: "Only warning: Using improper humor"
			"uw-own4im": {
				label: "Ownership of articles",
				summary: "Only warning: Ownership of articles"
		"Promotions and spam": {
			"uw-advert4im": {
				label: "Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion",
				summary: "Only warning: Using Wikipedia for advertising or promotion"
			"uw-spam4im": {
				label: "Adding spam links",
				summary: "Only warning: Adding spam links"
		"Behavior towards other editors": {
			"uw-harass4im": {
				label: "Harassment of other users",
				summary: "Only warning: Harassment of other users"
			"uw-npa4im": {
				label: "Personal attack directed at a specific editor",
				summary: "Only warning: Personal attack directed at a specific editor"
		"Other": {
			"uw-create4im": {
				label: "Creating inappropriate pages",
				summary: "Only warning: Creating inappropriate pages"
			"uw-move4im": {
				label: "Page moves against naming conventions or consensus",
				summary: "Only warning: Page moves against naming conventions or consensus"
			"uw-upload4im": {
				label: "Uploading unencyclopedic images",
				summary: "Only warning: Uploading unencyclopedic images"
		"To be removed from Twinkle": {
			"uw-redirect4im": {
				label: "Creating malicious redirects",
				summary: "Only warning: Creating malicious redirects"

	singlenotice: {
		"uw-2redirect": {
			label: "Creating double redirects through bad page moves",
			summary: "Notice: Creating double redirects through bad page moves"
		"uw-aiv": {
			label: "Bad AIV report",
			summary: "Notice: Bad AIV report"
		"uw-articlesig": {
			label: "Adding signatures to article space",
			summary: "Notice: Adding signatures to article space"
		"uw-autobiography": {
			label: "Creating autobiographies",
			summary: "Notice: Creating autobiographies"
		"uw-badcat": {
			label: "Adding incorrect categories",
			summary: "Notice: Adding incorrect categories"
		"uw-badlistentry": {
			label: "Adding inappropriate entries to lists",
			summary: "Notice: Adding inappropriate entries to lists"
		"uw-bite": {
			label: "\"Biting\" newcomers",
			summary: "Notice: \"Biting\" newcomers",
			suppressArticleInSummary: true  // non-standard (user name, not article), and not necessary
		"uw-coi": {
			label: "Conflict of interest",
			summary: "Notice: Conflict of interest",
			heading: "Managing a conflict of interest"
		"uw-controversial": {
			label: "Introducing controversial material",
			summary: "Notice: Introducing controversial material"
		"uw-copying": {
			label: "Copying text to another page",
			summary: "Notice: Copying text to another page"
		"uw-crystal": {
			label: "Adding speculative or unconfirmed information",
			summary: "Notice: Adding speculative or unconfirmed information"
		"uw-csd": {
			label: "Speedy deletion declined",
			summary: "Notice: Speedy deletion declined"
		"uw-c&pmove": {
			label: "Cut and paste moves",
			summary: "Notice: Cut and paste moves"
		"uw-dab": {
			label: "Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page",
			summary: "Notice: Incorrect edit to a disambiguation page"
		"uw-date": {
			label: "Unnecessarily changing date formats",
			summary: "Notice: Unnecessarily changing date formats"
		"uw-deadlink": {
			label: "Removing proper sources containing dead links",
			summary: "Notice: Removing proper sources containing dead links"
		"uw-directcat": {
			label: "Applying stub categories manually",
			summary: "Notice: Applying stub categories manually"
		"uw-draftfirst": {
			label: "User should draft in userspace without the risk of speedy deletion",
			summary: "Notice: Consider drafting your article in [[Help:Userspace draft|userspace]]"
		"uw-editsummary": {
			label: "Not using edit summary",
			summary: "Notice: Not using edit summary"
		"uw-english": {
			label: "Not communicating in English",
			summary: "Notice: Not communicating in English"
		"uw-fuir": {
			label: "Fair use image has been removed from your userpage",
			summary: "Notice: A fair use image has been removed from your userpage"
		"uw-hasty": {
			label: "Hasty addition of speedy deletion tags",
			summary: "Notice: Allow creators time to improve their articles before tagging them for deletion"
		"uw-imageuse": {
			label: "Incorrect image linking",
			summary: "Notice: Incorrect image linking"
		"uw-incompleteAFD": {
			label: "Incomplete AFD",
			summary: "Notice: Incomplete AFD"
		"uw-inline-el": {
			label: "Adding external links to the body of an article",
			summary: "Notice: Keep external links to External links sections at the bottom of an article"
		"uw-italicize": {
			label: "Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles",
			summary: "Notice: Italicize books, films, albums, magazines, TV series, etc within articles"
		"uw-lang": {
			label: "Unnecessarily changing between British and American English",
			summary: "Notice: Unnecessarily changing between British and American English",
			heading: "National varieties of English"
		"uw-linking": {
			label: "Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links",
			summary: "Notice: Excessive addition of redlinks or repeated blue links"
		"uw-minor": {
			label: "Incorrect use of minor edits check box",
			summary: "Notice: Incorrect use of minor edits check box"
		"uw-nonfree": {
			label: "Uploading replaceable non-free images",
			summary: "Notice: Uploading replaceable non-free images"
		"uw-notaiv": {
			label: "Do not report complex abuse to AIV",
			summary: "Notice: Do not report complex abuse to AIV"
		"uw-notenglish": {
			label: "Creating non-English articles",
			summary: "Notice: Creating non-English articles"
		"uw-notifysd": {
			label: "Notify authors of speedy deletion tagged articles",
			summary: "Notice: Please notify authors of articles tagged for speedy deletion"
		"uw-notvand": {
			label: "Mislabelling edits as vandalism",
			summary: "Notice: Misidentifying edits as vandalism"
		"uw-notvote": {
			label: "We use consensus, not voting",
			summary: "Notice: We use consensus, not voting"
		"uw-patrolled": {
			label: "Mark newpages as patrolled when patrolling",
			summary: "Notice: Mark newpages as patrolled when patrolling"
		"uw-plagiarism": {
			label: "Copying from public domain sources without attribution",
			summary: "Notice: Copying from public domain sources without attribution"
		"uw-preview": {
			label: "Use preview button to avoid mistakes",
			summary: "Notice: Use preview button to avoid mistakes"
		"uw-probation": {
			label: "Article is on probation",
			summary: "Notice: Article is on probation"
		"uw-redlink": {
			label: "Indiscriminate removal of redlinks",
			summary: "Notice: Be careful when removing redlinks"
		"uw-refimprove": {
			label: "Creating unverifiable articles",
			summary: "Notice: Creating unverifiable articles"
		"uw-removevandalism": {
			label: "Incorrect vandalism removal",
			summary: "Notice: Incorrect vandalism removal"
		"uw-repost": {
			label: "Recreating material previously deleted via XfD process",
			summary: "Notice: Recreating previously deleted material"
		"uw-salt": {
			label: "Recreating salted articles under a different title",
			summary: "Notice: Recreating salted articles under a different title"
		"uw-samename": {
			label: "Rename request impossible",
			summary: "Notice: Rename request impossible"
		"uw-selfrevert": {
			label: "Reverting self tests",
			summary: "Notice: Reverting self tests"
		"uw-socialnetwork": {
			label: "Wikipedia is not a social network",
			summary: "Notice: Wikipedia is not a social network"
		"uw-sofixit": {
			label: "Be bold and fix things yourself",
			summary: "Notice: You can be bold and fix things yourself"
		"uw-spoiler": {
			label: "Adding spoiler alerts or removing spoilers from appropriate sections",
			summary: "Notice: Don't delete or flag potential 'spoilers' in Wikipedia articles"
		"uw-subst": {
			label: "Remember to subst: templates",
			summary: "Notice: Remember to subst: templates"
		"uw-talkinarticle": {
			label: "Talk in article",
			summary: "Notice: Talk in article"
		"uw-tilde": {
			label: "Not signing posts",
			summary: "Notice: Not signing posts"
		"uw-toppost": {
			label: "Posting at the top of talk pages",
			summary: "Notice: Posting at the top of talk pages"
		"uw-uaa": {
			label: "Reporting of username to WP:UAA not accepted",
			summary: "Notice: Reporting of username to WP:UAA not accepted"
		"uw-upincat": {
			label: "Accidentally including user page/subpage in a content category",
			summary: "Notice: Informing user that one of his/her pages had accidentally been included in a content category"
		"uw-uploadfirst": {
			label: "Attempting to display an external image on a page",
			summary: "Notice: Attempting to display an external image on a page"
		"uw-userspace draft finish": {
			label: "Stale userspace draft",
			summary: "Notice: Stale userspace draft"
		"uw-userspacenoindex": {
			label: "User page/subpage isn't appropriate for search engine indexing",
			summary: "Notice: User (sub)page isn't appropriate for search engine indexing"
		"uw-vgscope": {
			label: "Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions",
			summary: "Notice: Adding video game walkthroughs, cheats or instructions"
		"uw-warn": {
			label: "Place user warning templates when reverting vandalism",
			summary: "Notice: You can use user warning templates when reverting vandalism"

	singlewarn: {
		"uw-3rr": {
			label: "Violating the three-revert rule; see also uw-ew",
			summary: "Warning: Violating the three-revert rule"
		"uw-affiliate": {
			label: "Affiliate marketing",
			summary: "Warning: Affiliate marketing"
		"uw-agf-sock": {
			label: "Use of multiple accounts (assuming good faith)",
			summary: "Warning: Using multiple accounts"
		"uw-attack": {
			label: "Creating attack pages",
			summary: "Warning: Creating attack pages",
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		"uw-bizlist": {
			label: "Business promotion",
			summary: "Warning: Promoting a business"
		"uw-botun": {
			label: "Bot username",
			summary: "Warning: Bot username"
		"uw-canvass": {
			label: "Canvassing",
			summary: "Warning: Canvassing"
		"uw-copyright": {
			label: "Copyright violation",
			summary: "Warning: Copyright violation"
		"uw-copyright-link": {
			label: "Linking to copyrighted works violation",
			summary: "Warning: Linking to copyrighted works violation"
		"uw-copyright-new": {
			label: "Copyright violation (with explanation for new users)",
			summary: "Notice: Avoiding copyright problems",
			heading: "Wikipedia and copyright"
		"uw-copyright-remove": {
			label: "Removing {{copyvio}} template from articles",
			summary: "Warning: Removing {{copyvio}} templates"
		"uw-efsummary": {
			label: "Edit summary triggering the edit filter",
			summary: "Warning: Edit summary triggering the edit filter"
		"uw-ew": {
			label: "Edit warring (stronger wording)",
			summary: "Warning: Edit warring"
		"uw-ewsoft": {
			label: "Edit warring (softer wording for newcomers)",
			summary: "Warning: Edit warring"
		"uw-hoax": {
			label: "Creating hoaxes",
			summary: "Warning: Creating hoaxes"
		"uw-legal": {
			label: "Making legal threats",
			summary: "Warning: Making legal threats"
		"uw-login": {
			label: "Editing while logged out",
			summary: "Warning: Editing while logged out"
		"uw-longterm": {
			label: "Long term pattern of vandalism",
			summary: "Warning: Long term pattern of vandalism"
		"uw-multipleIPs": {
			label: "Usage of multiple IPs",
			summary: "Warning: Usage of multiple IPs"
		"uw-pinfo": {
			label: "Personal info",
			summary: "Warning: Personal info"
		"uw-socksuspect": {
			label: "Sockpuppetry",
			summary: "Warning: You are a suspected [[WP:SOCK|sockpuppet]]"  // of User:...
		"uw-upv": {
			label: "Userpage vandalism",
			summary: "Warning: Userpage vandalism"
		"uw-username": {
			label: "Username is against policy",
			summary: "Warning: Your username might be against policy",
			suppressArticleInSummary: true  // not relevant for this template
		"uw-coi-username": {
			label: "Username is against policy, and conflict of interest",
			summary: "Warning: Username and conflict of interest policy",
			heading: "Your username"
		"uw-userpage": {
			label: "Userpage or subpage is against policy",
			summary: "Warning: Userpage or subpage is against policy"
		"uw-wrongsummary": {
			label: "Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries",
			summary: "Warning: Using inaccurate or inappropriate edit summaries"

	block: {
		"uw-block": {
			label: "Block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing",
			pageParam: true,
			reasonParam: true,  // allows editing of reason for generic templates
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		"uw-blocknotalk": {
			label: "Block - talk page disabled",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing and your user talk page has been disabled",
			pageParam: true,
			reasonParam: true,
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		"uw-blockindef": {
			label: "Block - indefinite",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing",
			indefinite: true,
			pageParam: true,
			reasonParam: true,
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		"uw-ablock": {
			label: "Block - IP address",
			summary: "Your IP address has been blocked from editing",
			pageParam: true,
			suppressArticleInSummary: true
		"uw-vblock": {
			label: "Vandalism block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for persistent [[WP:VAND|vandalism]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-voablock": {
			label: "Vandalism-only account block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]]",
			indefinite: true,
			pageParam: true
		"uw-bioblock": {
			label: "BLP violations block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for violations of Wikipedia's [[WP:BLP|biographies of living persons policy]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-sblock": {
			label: "Spam block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for using Wikipedia for [[WP:SPAM|spam]] purposes"
		"uw-adblock": {
			label: "Advertising block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:SOAP|advertising or self-promotion]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-soablock": {
			label: "Spam/advertising-only account block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam, advertising, or promotion]]",
			indefinite: true,
			pageParam: true
		"uw-nothereblock": {
			label: "WP:NOTHERE block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it appears that you are not here to [[WP:NOTHERE|build an encyclopedia]]",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-npblock": {
			label: "Creating nonsense pages block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for creating [[WP:PN|nonsense pages]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-copyrightblock": {
			label: "Copyright violation block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for continued [[WP:COPYVIO|copyright infringement]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-spoablock": {
			label: "Sockpuppet account block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SOCK|sock puppetry]]",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-ipevadeblock": {
			label: "Block-evasion block - IP address",
			summary: "Your IP address has been blocked from editing because it has been used to [[WP:EVADE|evade a previous block]]"
		"uw-hblock": {
			label: "Harassment block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for attempting to [[WP:HARASS|harass]] other users",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-ewblock": {
			label: "Edit warring block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing to prevent further [[WP:DE|disruption]] caused by your engagement in an [[WP:EW|edit war]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-3block": {
			label: "Three-revert rule violation block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for violation of the [[WP:3RR|three-revert rule]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-disruptblock": {
			label: "Disruptive editing block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for [[WP:DE|disruptive editing]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-deoablock": {
			label: "Disruption/trolling-only account block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:DE|trolling, disruption or harassment]]",
			indefinite: true,
			pageParam: true
		"uw-lblock": {
			label: "Legal threat block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing for making [[WP:NLT|legal threats or taking legal action]]",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-aeblock": {
			label: "Arbitration enforcement block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for violating an [[WP:Arbitration|arbitration decision]] with your edits",
			pageParam: true,
			reasonParam: true
		"uw-efblock": {
			label: "Edit filter-related block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for making disruptive edits that repeatedly triggered the [[WP:EF|edit filter]]"
		"uw-myblock": {
			label: "Social networking block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for using user and/or article pages as a [[WP:NOTMYSPACE|blog, web host, social networking site or forum]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-dblock": {
			label: "Deletion/removal of content block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing for continued [[WP:VAND|removal of material]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-compblock": {
			label: "Possible compromised account block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because it is believed that your [[WP:SECURE|account has been compromised]]",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-botblock": {
			label: "Unapproved bot block",
			summary: "You have been blocked from editing because it appears you are running a [[WP:BOT|bot script]] without [[WP:BRFA|approval]]",
			pageParam: true
		"uw-ublock": {
			label: "Username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]",
			indefinite: true,
			reasonParam: true
		"uw-uhblock": {
			label: "Username hard block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]",
			indefinite: true,
			reasonParam: true
		"uw-softerblock": {
			label: "Promotional username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] gives the impression that the account represents a group, organization or website",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-causeblock": {
			label: "Promotional username soft block, for charitable causes (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] gives the impression that the account represents a group, organization or website",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-botublock": {
			label: "Bot username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] indicates this is a [[WP:BOT|bot]] account, which is currently not approved",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-memorialblock": {
			label: "Memorial username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] indicates this account may be used as a memorial or tribute to someone",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-ublock-famous": {
			label: "Famous username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] matches the name of a well-known living individual",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-ublock-double": {
			label: "Similar username soft block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] is too similar to the username of another Wikipedia user",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-uhblock-double": {
			label: "Username impersonation hard block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your [[WP:U|username]] appears to impersonate another established Wikipedia user",
			indefinite: true
		"uw-vaublock": {
			label: "Vandalism-only account and username hard block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being [[WP:VOA|used only for vandalism]] and your username is a blatant violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]",
			indefinite: true,
			pageParam: true
		"uw-spamublock": {
			label: "Spam-only account and promotional username hard block (indefinite)",
			summary: "You have been indefinitely blocked from editing because your account is being used only for [[WP:SPAM|spam or advertising]] and your username is a violation of the [[WP:U|username policy]]",
			indefinite: true

Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer = null;
Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason = null;
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
Twinkle.warn.prev_reason = null;

Twinkle.warn.callback.change_category = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
	var value = e.target.value;
	var sub_group = e.target.root.sub_group;
	sub_group.main_group = value;
	var old_subvalue = sub_group.value;
	var old_subvalue_re;
	if( old_subvalue ) {
		old_subvalue = old_subvalue.replace(/\d*(im)?$/, '' );
		old_subvalue_re = new RegExp( mw.util.escapeRegExp( old_subvalue ) + "(\\d*(?:im)?)$" );

	while( sub_group.hasChildNodes() ){
		sub_group.removeChild( sub_group.firstChild );

	// worker function to create the combo box entries
	var createEntries = function( contents, container, wrapInOptgroup ) {
		// due to an apparent iOS bug, we have to add an option-group to prevent truncation of text
		// (search WT:TW archives for "Problem selecting warnings on an iPhone")
		if ( wrapInOptgroup && $.client.profile().platform === "iphone" ) {
			var wrapperOptgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
				type: 'optgroup',
				label: 'Available templates'
			} );
			wrapperOptgroup = wrapperOptgroup.render();
			container.appendChild( wrapperOptgroup );
			container = wrapperOptgroup;

		$.each( contents, function( itemKey, itemProperties ) {
			var key = (typeof itemKey === "string") ? itemKey : itemProperties.value;

			var selected = false;
			if( old_subvalue && old_subvalue_re.test( key ) ) {
				selected = true;

			var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
				type: 'option',
				label: "{{" + key + "}}: " + itemProperties.label,
				value: key,
				selected: selected
			} );
			var elemRendered = container.appendChild( elem.render() );
			$(elemRendered).data("messageData", itemProperties);
		} );

	if( value === "singlenotice" || value === "singlewarn" || value === "block" ) {
		// no categories, just create the options right away
		createEntries( Twinkle.warn.messages[ value ], sub_group, true );
	} else if( value === "custom" ) {
		createEntries( Twinkle.getPref("customWarningList"), sub_group, true );
	} else {
		// create the option-groups
		$.each( Twinkle.warn.messages[ value ], function( groupLabel, groupContents ) {
			var optgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
				type: 'optgroup',
				label: groupLabel
			} );
			optgroup = optgroup.render();
			sub_group.appendChild( optgroup );
			// create the options
			createEntries( groupContents, optgroup, false );
		} );

	if( value === 'block' ) {
		// create the block-related fields
		var more = new Morebits.quickForm.element( { type: 'div', id: 'block_fields' } );
		more.append( {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'block_timer',
			label: 'Engel süresi: ',
			tooltip: 'Engel süresi, örneğin 24 hours, 2 weeks, indefinite vb.'
		} );
		more.append( {
			type: 'input',
			name: 'block_reason',
			label: '"... yüzünden engellendin" ',
			tooltip: 'Varsayılan nedeni değiştirmek için isteğe bağlı bir neden. Yalnızca genel engelleme şablonlarıyla kullanılabilir.'
		} );
		e.target.root.insertBefore( more.render(), e.target.root.lastChild );

		// restore saved values of fields
		if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer !== null) {
			e.target.root.block_timer.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer;
			Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer = null;
		if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason !== null) {
			e.target.root.block_reason.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason;
			Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason = null;
		if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
			Twinkle.warn.prev_article = e.target.root.article.value;
		e.target.root.article.disabled = false;

	} else if( e.target.root.block_timer ) {
		// hide the block-related fields
		if(!e.target.root.block_timer.disabled && Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer === null) {
			Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer = e.target.root.block_timer.value;
		if(!e.target.root.block_reason.disabled && Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason === null) {
			Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason = e.target.root.block_reason.value;

		// hack to fix something really weird - removed elements seem to somehow keep an association with the form
		e.target.root.block_reason = null;


		if(e.target.root.article.disabled && Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) {
			e.target.root.article.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
			Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
		e.target.root.article.disabled = false;


	// clear overridden label on article textbox
	Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.root.article, true);

	// hide the big red notice

Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeSubcategory(e) {
	var main_group = e.target.form.main_group.value;
	var value = e.target.form.sub_group.value;

	if( main_group === 'singlenotice' || main_group === 'singlewarn' ) {
		if( value === 'uw-bite' || value === 'uw-username' || value === 'uw-socksuspect' ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article = e.target.form.article.value;
			e.target.form.article.notArticle = true;
			e.target.form.article.value = '';
		} else if( e.target.form.article.notArticle ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) {
				e.target.form.article.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
			e.target.form.article.notArticle = false;
	} else if( main_group === 'block' ) {
		if( Twinkle.warn.messages.block[value].indefinite ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer === null) {
				Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer = e.target.form.block_timer.value;
			e.target.form.block_timer.disabled = true;
			e.target.form.block_timer.value = 'indefinite';
		} else if( e.target.form.block_timer.disabled ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer !== null) {
				e.target.form.block_timer.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer;
				Twinkle.warn.prev_block_timer = null;
			e.target.form.block_timer.disabled = false;

		if( Twinkle.warn.messages.block[value].pageParam ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) {
				e.target.form.article.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
			e.target.form.article.disabled = false;
		} else if( !e.target.form.article.disabled ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
				Twinkle.warn.prev_article = e.target.form.article.value;
			e.target.form.article.disabled = true;
			e.target.form.article.value = '';

		if( Twinkle.warn.messages.block[value].reasonParam ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason !== null) {
				e.target.form.block_reason.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason;
				Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason = null;
			e.target.form.block_reason.disabled = false;
		} else if( !e.target.form.block_reason.disabled ) {
			if(Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason === null) {
				Twinkle.warn.prev_block_reason = e.target.form.block_reason.value;
			e.target.form.block_reason.disabled = true;
			e.target.form.block_reason.value = '';

	// change form labels according to the warning selected
	if (value === "uw-socksuspect") {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
		Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "Username of sock master, if known (without User:) ");
	} else if (value === "uw-username") {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
		Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "Username violates policy because... ");
	} else if (value === "uw-bite") {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
		Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "Username of 'bitten' user (without User:) ");
	} else {
		Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, true);

	// add big red notice, warning users about how to use {{uw-[coi-]username}} appropriately

	var $redWarning;
	if (value === "uw-username") {
		$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
			"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
			"{{uw-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>");
	} else if (value === "uw-coi-username") {
		$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-coi-username}} should <b>not</b> be used for <b>blatant</b> username policy violations. " +
			"Blatant violations should be reported directly to UAA (via Twinkle's ARV tab). " +
			"{{uw-coi-username}} should only be used in edge cases in order to engage in discussion with the user.</div>");

Twinkle.warn.callbacks = {
	getWarningWikitext: function(templateName, article, reason, isCustom) {
		var text = "{{subst:" + templateName;

		if (article) {
			// add linked article for user warnings (non-block templates)
			text += '|1=' + article;
		if (reason && !isCustom) {
			// add extra message for non-block templates
			if (templateName === 'uw-csd' || templateName === 'uw-probation' ||
				templateName === 'uw-userspacenoindex' || templateName === 'uw-userpage') {
				text += "|3=''" + reason + "''";
			} else {
				text += "|2=''" + reason + "''";
		text += '}}';

		if (reason && isCustom) {
			// we assume that custom warnings lack a {{{2}}} parameter
			text += " ''" + reason + "''";

		return text;
	getBlockNoticeWikitext: function(templateName, article, blockTime, blockReason, isIndefTemplate) {
		var text = "{{subst:" + templateName;

		if (article && Twinkle.warn.messages.block[templateName].pageParam) {
			text += '|page=' + article;

		if (!/te?mp|^\s*$|min/.exec(blockTime) && !isIndefTemplate) {
			if (/indef|\*|max/.exec(blockTime)) {
				text += '|indef=yes';
			} else {
				text += '|time=' + blockTime;

		if (blockReason) {
			text += '|reason=' + blockReason;

		text += "|sig=true}}";
		return text;
	preview: function(form) {
		var templatename = form.sub_group.value;
		var linkedarticle = form.article.value;
		var templatetext;

		if (templatename in Twinkle.warn.messages.block) {
			templatetext = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getBlockNoticeWikitext(templatename, linkedarticle, form.block_timer.value,
				form.block_reason.value, Twinkle.warn.messages.block[templatename].indefinite);
		} else {
			templatetext = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(templatename, linkedarticle, 
				form.reason.value, form.main_group.value === 'custom');

	main: function( pageobj ) {
		var text = pageobj.getPageText();
		var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
		var messageData = params.messageData;

		var history_re = /<!-- Template:(uw-.*?) -->.*?(\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}, \d{1,2} \w+ \d{4}) \(UTC\)/g;
		var history = {};
		var latest = { date: new Date( 0 ), type: '' };
		var current;

		while( ( current = history_re.exec( text ) ) ) {
			var current_date = new Date( current[2] + ' UTC' );
			if( !( current[1] in history ) ||  history[ current[1] ] < current_date ) {
				history[ current[1] ] = current_date;
			if( current_date > latest.date ) {
				latest.date = current_date;
				latest.type = current[1];

		var date = new Date();

		if( params.sub_group in history ) {
			var temp_time = new Date( history[ params.sub_group ] );
			temp_time.setUTCHours( temp_time.getUTCHours() + 24 );

			if( temp_time > date ) {
				if( !confirm( "An identical " + params.sub_group + " son 24 saat içinde yayınlandı.  \nBu uyarıyı/bildirimi yine de göndermek istiyor musunuz?" ) ) {
					pageobj.statelem.info( 'aborted per user request' );

		latest.date.setUTCMinutes( latest.date.getUTCMinutes() + 1 ); // after long debate, one minute is max

		if( latest.date > date ) {
			if( !confirm( "A " + latest.type + " son dakikada yayınlandı.  \nBu uyarıyı/bildirimi yine de göndermek istiyor musunuz?" ) ) {
				pageobj.statelem.info( 'aborted per user request' );

		var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp( "^==+\\s*(?:" + date.getUTCMonthName() + '|' + date.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev() +
			")\\s+" + date.getUTCFullYear() + "\\s*==+", 'mg' );
		var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
		while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec( text )) !== null) {
			dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
		// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
		// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
		// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
		var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf( "\n==" ) + 1;   

		if( text.length > 0 ) {
			text += "\n\n";

		if( params.main_group === 'block' ) {
			if( Twinkle.getPref('blankTalkpageOnIndefBlock') && params.sub_group !== 'uw-lblock' && ( messageData.indefinite || (/indef|\*|max/).exec( params.block_timer ) ) ) {
				Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Blanking talk page per preferences and creating a new level 2 heading for the date' );
				text = "== " + date.getUTCMonthName() + " " + date.getUTCFullYear() + " ==\n";
			} else if( !dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex ) {
				Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Will create a new level 2 heading for the date, as none was found for this month' );
				text += "== " + date.getUTCMonthName() + " " + date.getUTCFullYear() + " ==\n";

			text += Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getBlockNoticeWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article, params.block_timer, params.reason, messageData.indefinite);
		} else {
			if( messageData.heading ) {
				text += "== " + messageData.heading + " ==\n";
			} else if( !dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex ) {
				Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Will create a new level 2 heading for the date, as none was found for this month' );
				text += "== " + date.getUTCMonthName() + " " + date.getUTCFullYear() + " ==\n";
			text += Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article, 
				params.reason, params.main_group === 'custom') + "--~~~~";

		if ( Twinkle.getPref('showSharedIPNotice') && Morebits.isIPAddress( mw.config.get('wgTitle') ) ) {
			Morebits.status.info( 'Info', 'Adding a shared IP notice' );
			text +=  "\n{{subst:Paylaşılan IP Tavsiyesi}}";

		// build the edit summary
		var summary;
		if( params.main_group === 'custom' ) {
			switch( params.sub_group.substr( -1 ) ) {
				case "1":
					summary = "General note";
				case "2":
					summary = "Caution";
				case "3":
					summary = "Warning";
				case "4":
					summary = "Final warning";
				case "m":
					if( params.sub_group.substr( -3 ) === "4im" ) {
						summary = "Only warning";
					summary = "Notice";
					summary = "Notice";
			summary += ": " + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(messageData.label);
		} else {
			summary = messageData.summary;
			if ( messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article ) {
				if ( params.sub_group === "uw-socksuspect" ) {  // this template requires a username
					summary += " of [[User:" + params.article + "]]";
				} else {
					summary += " ([[" + params.article + "]] sayfası)";
		summary += "." + Twinkle.getPref("summaryAd");

		pageobj.setPageText( text );
		pageobj.setEditSummary( summary );
		pageobj.setWatchlist( Twinkle.getPref('watchWarnings') );

Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate = function twinklewarnCallbackEvaluate(e) {

	// First, check to make sure a reason was filled in if uw-username was selected

	if(e.target.sub_group.value === 'uw-username' && e.target.article.value.trim() === '') {
		alert("You must supply a reason for the {{uw-username}} template.");

	// Find the selected <option> element so we can fetch the data structure
	var selectedEl = $(e.target.sub_group).find('option[value="' + $(e.target.sub_group).val() + '"]');

	// Then, grab all the values provided by the form
	var params = {
		reason: e.target.block_reason ? e.target.block_reason.value : e.target.reason.value,
		main_group: e.target.main_group.value,
		sub_group: e.target.sub_group.value,
		article: e.target.article.value,  // .replace( /^(Image|Category):/i, ':$1:' ),  -- apparently no longer needed...
		block_timer: e.target.block_timer ? e.target.block_timer.value : null,
		messageData: selectedEl.data("messageData")

	Morebits.simpleWindow.setButtonsEnabled( false );
	Morebits.status.init( e.target );

	Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
	Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Uyarma tamamlandı, mesaj sayfası birkaç saniye içerisinde yenilenecek";

	var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page( mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'User talk page modification' );
	wikipedia_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
	wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect( true );
	wikipedia_page.load( Twinkle.warn.callbacks.main );
