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Dosya:War Ensign of Germany (1933–1935).svg

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Tam çözünürlük (SVG dosyası, sözde 1.329 × 797 piksel, dosya boyutu: 11 KB)

English: Nautical German War Ensign, so called Kriegsschiffsgösch, 1933–1935 (and up to 1945 ceremonially). The Iron Cross on this flag is 2/3 width of flag. The Iron Cross is offset "a little bit to the hoist" (quoting FOTW). For a more rigorous treatment of the height of the Iron Cross across German flags see FOTW: Proportions of the War Ensign and Jack 1871-1935 (Germany)

Flag construction data from FOTW:

  • Proportions: [1]
  • Design: ibid. & [2] (no black-red-gold canton)
Deutsch: Reichskriegsflagge und Gösch der Kriegsschiffe, Deutsches Reich 1933-1935. Text der offiziellen Verordnung vom 14. März 1933: Die Reichskriegsflagge besteht aus drei gleich breiten Querstreifen, oben schwarz, in der Mitte weiß, unten rot; im weißen Streifen, etwas nach der Stange verschoben, ein schwarzes weißgerändertes Kreuz von der Form des Eisernen Kreuzes, in den schwarzen und den roten Querstreifen je etwa bis zur Hälfte übergreifend. Verhältnis der Höhe zur Länge wie 3 : 5. Die Gösch der Kriegsschiffe wie die Reichskriegsflagge, jedoch in entsprechend kleineren Abmessungen.[1]
Kaynak Yükleyenin kendi çalışması
Yazar Greentubing
Diğer sürümler
With proportions based upon Flaggenbuch
Kullanılan renkler:
     siyah rendered as RGB 000 000 000
     beyaz rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     kırmızı rendered as RGB 222 000 000
Nazi Flag – German Reich Color Scheme
Bu vektör resmi, metin düzenleyici ile oluşturuldu.

Public domain
This file depicts the flag of a German Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). According to § 5 Abs. 1 of the German copyright law, official works like coats of arms or flags are gemeinfrei (in the public domain). Since the Federal Republic of Germany is the legal successor of the Weimar Republic as well as of the Third Reich, this law is also applicable to flags promulgated before 1945.
Note: The usage of coats of arms and flags (especially those of the Third Reich) is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.

Deutsch  English  日本語  한국어  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  +/−

  1. http://www.documentarchiv.de/ns/hz-wm.html


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31 Ocak 2006

Dosya geçmişi

Dosyanın herhangi bir zamandaki hâli için ilgili tarih/saat kısmına tıklayın.

Tarih/SaatKüçük resimBoyutlarKullanıcıYorum
güncel03.50, 8 Eylül 201003.50, 8 Eylül 2010 tarihindeki sürümün küçültülmüş hâli1.329 × 797 (11 KB)Fry1989fixed white stripe
19.07, 6 Eylül 200819.07, 6 Eylül 2008 tarihindeki sürümün küçültülmüş hâli1.329 × 797 (11 KB)Fornax{{Information |Description=Modified according to FLAGGENBUCH, 1939 |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
00.41, 18 Temmuz 200700.41, 18 Temmuz 2007 tarihindeki sürümün küçültülmüş hâli1.000 × 600 (4 KB)R-41~commonswikiRedone flag. Proportions done as best as possible.
23.52, 31 Ocak 200623.52, 31 Ocak 2006 tarihindeki sürümün küçültülmüş hâli500 × 300 (3 KB)Greentubing~commonswikiTotally constructed myself. German Jack '''1933–1953 (and up to 1945 ceremonially)''' . The Iron Cross on this flag is 2/3 width of flag. The Iron Cross is offset "a little bit to the hoist" (quoting FOTW). For a more rigorous treatment of the heig

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