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Dosya:Traditional spacing examples from the 1911 Chicago Manual of Style.png

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English: Traditional spacing examples from the 1911 Chicago Manual of Style (Third Edition) [full page]
Español: Ejemplos de espaciado tradicional del Manual del estilo Chicago (tercera edición). Página íntegra.
Kaynak Manual of Style: A Compilation of the Typographical Rules in Force at the University of Chicago Press, with Specimens of Types in Use at the University Press , p. 101, at Google Books.
Yazar University of Chicago Press
(Bu dosyanın tekrar kullanımı)
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This line is spaced with em‐quads.
This line is spaced with en‐quads.
This line is spaced with 3‑em spaces.
This line is spaced with 4‑em spaces.
This line is spaced with 5‑em spaces.
The letters in this word are hair‐spaced: A m e r i c a.
This is a 3‑em dash: ⸻
This is a 2‑em dash: ⸺
This is an em‐dash: —
This is an en‐dash: –
262.Space evenly. A standard line should have a 3‑em space between all words not separated by other punctuation points than commas, and after commas; an en‐quad after semicolons, and colons followed by a lower‐case letter; two 3‑em spaces after colons followed by a capital; an em‐quad after periods, and exclamation and interrogation points, concluding a sentence.
263.If necessary to reduce spacing in a line, begin with commas, and letters of slanting form—i.e., with a large “shoulder” on the side adjoining the space; if necessary to increase, begin with overlapping letters—i.e., with “kerns” protruding on the side adjoining the space—straight‐up‐and‐down letters, and points other than periods and commas (in this order).
264.In a well‐spaced line, with a 3‑em space between a majority of the words, there should not be more than an en‐quad between the rest; this proportion

White space information relating to this text

Decimal Space size Named entity Example
8195 1 em   ] [
8194 ½ em   ] [
8196 ⅓ em   ] [
8197 ¼ em &ensp14; ] [
8201 ⅕ em   ] [
8198 ⅙ em ] [
8202 Thinner than thin space, but no relative size specified   ] [


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Public domain
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