English: In particular the frescos in the narthex (built under Emperor Manuel I, 1238-1263), frescos added shortly after 1250, are a delight. One is striking for its centralized composition: the four evangelists (Mathew as a man, Marcus as a lion, Luke as a ox or bull and John as an eagle), each holding the bible book they wrote, surrounding the hand of god in the centre, with angels and wings without bodies attached surrounding it.
As there are many more frescos, here we see some of the neighbouring scenes: below the Marriage in Cana; above Christ teaching in the temple, higher still Healing of a man born blind.
atıf – Esere yazar veya lisans sahibi tarafından belirtilen (ancak sizi ya da eseri kullanımınızı desteklediklerini ileri sürmeyecek bir) şekilde atıfta bulunmalısınız.
benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden düzenler, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı özgünüyle aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.
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