WARNING: Animation shows flaws when GIF is resized. The reason for this behavior is unclear, but it is common both to Mozilla and Konqueror on Linux. Any advice welcome (mtodorov3_69@yahoo.com). Note: IE 7.0 does not seem to share this deficiency. (The error seems to affect Chrome on Windows XP too)
Model of 3 phase synchronous electric motor with animated vector adding of stator coil magnetic fields.
Stator phases R, S and T have sine current shifted by 120 degrees between each. Magnetic field is proportional to current in linear approximation.
Magnetic field vectors of the phases add up on the axis of the motor as vectors, combining into single rotating vector according to parallelogram law, which is clearly visible.
Rotor has a constant current and hence constant magnetic field, which shows the inclination to follow rotating magnetic field of the stator coils, causing rotor to rotate.
This particular image shows phase vectors change in time, the other one sums them using parallelogram theorem.
Developing countries++ African++ All others++
Thanks to:
Chair for Electronic and Informational Systems
Chair for Reproduction Photography
Faculty of Graphic Arts
University of Zagreb
Chair for Applied Graphics
Academy of Fine Arts
University of Zagreb
for allowing me to use Chair resources to make this model.
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benzer paylaşım – Maddeyi yeniden düzenler, dönüştürür veya inşa ederseniz, katkılarınızı özgünüyle aynı veya uyumlu lisans altında dağıtmanız gerekir.