This is an Estonian kroon banknote. The Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank) holds the copyright on the designs of the Estonian kroon banknotes. As long as reproductions in advertising or illustrations cannot be mistaken for genuine banknotes they can be used without prior authorisation of the Bank of Estonia. Bank of Estonia has stated that same kind of restrictions apply to reproductions of EEK banknotes as do to euro banknotes:
The size of the reproduction must be at least 125% or not greater than 75% of both the length and width of the banknote.
Reproductions depicting a part of either side of the note should be smaller than one-third of the original side.
On intangible reproductions (e.g. websites), the word SPECIMEN must be printed diagonally across the reproduction in Arial font or similar, in a non-transparent colour contrasting with the dominant colour of the note. The length of the word must be at least 75% of the length of the reproduction, and the height of the word must be at least 15% of the width of the reproduction. The resolution of the image must not exceed 72 dots per inch (dpi).
This template must not be used for Estonian kroon coins.
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